Saturday, August 11, 2018


Aries attacks WWE stars:

Austin Aries fired shots at a couple of WWE stars on social media...

''Ah yes, my reward after giving No Way Jose the best feud and match of his WWE career. My first meaningful win in WWE NXT (Hideo Itami) and any equity I'd earned is immediately discredited. And what's either guy done since? Great success?"

This drew a really scathing response from his ex, Zelina Vega...

"I am going to say this once: We are NOT together and have not been together for a very long time. We were certainly NEVER married or engaged. I've moved on a long time ago and do not wish to be associated with him."

Old boy murdered?:

Jerry Lawler says Brian Christopher sounded fine on the day he died, when they talked on the phone, but later found out he had been involved in a fight, and was thrown into segregation. He also said that he does not believe the police statement that he hung himself with a shoelace, and claims to have pictures clearly showing hand prints around the neck and throat of GMS...

"Just look at his neck and look at his hand. You can see the lines on his neck all the way around here to here and what would be the length of your hand as if he was trying to keep the pressure off. We've received literally countless calls, text messages from people, actual eyewitnesses, that were in the jail and saw things that happened on the actual day that Brian died that now has opened up a new can of worms. It just doesn't seem like it was suicide. It just doesn't pass the smell test."


Rusev & Lana vs Andrade Cien Almas & Zelina Vega will be the kick off match.

WWE investigating historic sex abuse vs top star:

WWE are investigating Randy Orton for sexually abusing backstage staff. He has been accused of exposing himself, groping his own genitalia, then asking new starters to shake the same hand he was touching himself with. He apparently got away with it for years. The accusations were made in 2012 and have re-emerged thanks to a fan going through long past episodes of a podcast.

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