Friday, August 10, 2018



Round 2, the Quarter and Semi Finals of MYC 2 were taped last night. The final match will be at Evolution.

Colt vs Punk getting ugly:

Colt Cabana is blaming CM Punk for the WWE lawsuit. He claims WWE contacted him to take the podcast with CM down, he, out of respect to his best friend, texted CM to say he was going to comply with the request, Punk told him to ignore them and leave it up. WWE came back and asked again, more forcefully this time, to take it down, he again spoke to CM, who again said no, and this time said he was going to get his lawyers involved, which led to the lawsuit they just fought and won. CM, claims Colt, repeatedly promised to bankroll the case, until in 2016 he decided the costs were mounting higher than he was prepared to pay and demanded Colt pay exactly half of the bill. This led to Colt having to either withdraw from the fight or find his own legal team, Punk than had his legal team contact Cabana to talk him into staying with the case, and again saying CM would fund his half of the costs. Their relationship further deteriorated and Punk then had his lawyers drop Colt, who ended up having to seek his own counsel after all, racking up even higher fees. Fees Punk has refused to reimburse. Colt wants $1.2 from his lawsuit vs CM, who is yet to respond to the writ.

Old boy to Mania:

Bull Dempsey is helping a young fan achieve their dream of going to WrestleMania. The youngster had set up a yarn bracelet business in her local area to raise funds, Bull is using his social media to highlight her ambition and get her some bracelets sold. He has also started selling them via his own site and arranged for a pro wrestling merch store to sell them for her too.

MYC injury:

Nixon Newell suffered a horrible knee injury during her MYC match last night and refs threw up the X and doctors rushed to the ring. She tried to continue, against their advice, but screamed out in pain after trying to stand, she then threw up the X herself and her match was stopped.

TE death:

Brian Danovich of Tough Enough 4 has died aged 38.

Bird Man interview:

On being first victim of (Botched) Tombstone...

"I love Mark to death, and I'm still proud of The Undertaker today. He really, really has taken his gimmick a long, long way. But Mark was, you know. I was the first one to take the tombstone, but he was a little excited because that was his first time doing it, and I almost kind of cracked my neck a little bit doing it. And I heard all kind of little cracks and stuff like that. But I knew Mark was trying to get over... I got dropped on my head, to be honest with you. Yes. But thank God for working out, it kind of helps you. Now, if I had a weak head or something like that, I probably would have broke my neck big time. I was the first one that he used it on. He just said hey. They wanted him. It was kind of like a piledriver, but he just had my head between his legs too far that you could see my head, and if he would have had my head between the fat part of his thighs, then it wouldn't have hurt."

On HOF induction...

He then said Vince McMahon inducted him into the HOF because he felt guilty about the acrimonious circumstances that saw him leave WWE. He had argued with Vince McMahon after being told a planned Tag title run with Owen Hart was being pulled to Owen heel and then got into a fight with an exec after Shawn Michaels instigated something backstage. Koko had tried to play peacemaker, but got drawn in himself. This proved to be what ended his WWE run. He says he cherishes his HOF ring, but has been black-balled by the company since.

Champs heat:

Harper has revealed he and Rowan  hated each other when they were first paired up...

"When we first started, me and Rowan hated each other, oh yeah, I don't know what it was, but we didn't get along. And then, we were forced to room together he's a f--king giant and he snores, so I didn't sleep a lot. And, yeah, we just didn't get along. And slowly, again, that became the realization of, 'hey man, we're stuck together. Are we going to fight against it or are we just going to do it?' And it took me a long time to realize that, but once I did, it made it work way better."

MSG sell out:

ROH's NJPW co-pro show at MSG is sold out.

Cody vs HHH:

Cody Rhodes may have had a swipe at HHH today, tweeting...

''I’m The Game now''

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