Saturday, August 25, 2018


Rousey earns respect:

Sasha Banks says Rinda Rousey has proven herslf to her...

"I'm ready for her. Especially knowing her now I would be more than happy to have a match with her. I think she's awesome I think we could make magic together and I have don't have anything bad to say about her. When I first found out that she was going to come I was like 'ugh we don't need that taking away from what we're doing but she helps so much she works so hard. She always wants to learn and she loves it and respects it, and you know, I appreciate that. She works very hard."


Neville is reportedly, finally, free of WWE. Almost a year after walking out on his contract and after WWE freezing his deal to stop him continuing his career elsewhere. It is not known when the agreement to let him go was made, but he can, it is said, resume his career whenever he is ready, meaning his no-compete is either expired, or was written off by the company.


Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman and Ronda Rousey vs Alexa Bliss are booked.

Wade Barrett reveals TV gig, reunites with CM Punk:

"You imagine Ninja Warrior being the obstacle course challenge show. Now imagine it with a few extra bells and whistles. They have me come in and host the British team. I enjoyed that. The cool thing about it is also CM Punk being one of the U.S. hosts. You get to see us interact on camera again. It was good to see him. I haven't seen him in a few years. He is doing great for himself and seems to be enjoying his life away from WWE. I was happy to reconnect with him and see what he is doing."

World record:

Xavier Woods has gotten the world record for most YouTube subscribers for a video game channel run by a celebrity.

WWE games:

WWE have confirmed the UK expansion will be featured on this years video game.

New belt:

(Photo), the NXT Women's title has been unveiled.

Podacst launched:

Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins have launched a podcast under their real names, the theme is their wrestling figure collections.

Social media match:

The Hurricane says a social media post led to him being invited into this years Royal Rumble...

"There have been talks before about doing a surprise for the Royal Rumble. But I was with a different company or injured or something like that. It just wasn't the right time before. This time it was just the right time. They wanted a surprise. I had posted an Instagram picture -- and this is how social media can be used in a really wonderful way -- I posted a picture of the WCW Cruiserweight Title, which I still have and a replica of the WWE Cruiserweight Title. This was around the time when Enzo Amore got fired so they didn't have a champion. So I put a picture up of the belts and said, 'hey WWE I know a guy.'"

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