Monday, August 27, 2018


Bella's are back:

The Bella Twins worked a live last night. It was Brie's first match (Bar her Royal Rumble cameo) since having her baby two years ago.

Seth recalls historic Mania moment:

"I didn't know for sure until the middle of the show that I was cashing in. I had a match with Randy Orton early in the (Mania 31) day and then I was sequestered backstage and informed that would be the plan at the end of the night. It honestly was a very last-minute thing."

JR fumes over Alum:

Jim Ross has blasted a TSA operative for abusing his powers to grope to Torrie Wilson...

"The Pet Coon Goofy Award goes to a TSA officer in Orlando, Florida who felt compelled to encourage a pat down of the lovely Torrie Wilson at the Orlando airport the other day, and she requested that a female do the pat down because she had a very dangerous two-pound dog with her in a cage, carryon. And I think people saw the beautiful Torrie Wilson, one of the most beautiful women in the world, and they pressed their luck. And it's just unfortunate that things like that happen and these people that do these things under the cloak of 'doing our job'… 'just doing our job.' Goddang, I get so tired of hearing that, 'we're just doing our job, huh.' Bulls--t. You're doing the job you want to do. You're not doing the job. So, in any event, the TSA officer in Orlando, shame on you for orchestrating a farce against a lovely young woman just trying to make her flight home."

Staffer dies:

Long term WWE staffer Ed Cohen, who was responsible for live events for WWE for years, dating back to the 80's, died over the weekend.

Raw tease:

  • Braun Strowman wants to face Roman Reigns in the ring alone
  • Ronda Rousey carries the torch
  • Baron Corbin settles into his new position
  • The Revival go 2-0 against the Raw Tag Team Champions

Hardy retires?:

Matt Hardy has thanked fans at a live this weekend for giving him a ''Heart-warming send-off.''


Paige got physically involved in an indie match this weekend, slapping the face of one of the contestants in a women's title match.

Alum trashes NXT:

Ryback is not a fan of NXT...

"I watched a couple of matches but then I had to shut it off. The guys there are incredible. It seems like the different guys and wrestlers I talk to - it's different. I can't explain it. I don't know where the not selling moves or the psychology of selling or having to do 3,4,5 moves in place of one really impressive move. For example, Ricochet doing the backflips off of the ropes and Adam Cole hitting the superkick perfectly timed in place. If you listen to the reaction of the move and the crowd reaction, I would say you go for the cover there why do you pick the guy up after hitting an impressive finisher on the guy when you are already letting him kick out of it? I just think there are ways around that stuff rather than letting someone stack moves. If you are going to do it do it later on in the match. It's weird that you see that style on NXT but all those NXT guys that go to the main roster they don't do that for the most part. Not to say from time to time something will get thrown in there. Sometimes, Seth Rollins will throw a double stack in there, but it's usually placed a little differently, but I feel like watching it on NXT it will be - there's no build up to it. Also, there may have been a 20-30 move sequence during a match where there was no selling. That, I don't understand. Call me crazy, but it seems like everybody that I talk to that has a know all about pro wrestling doesn't understand it. I try to understand it. I try to put it in my mind that everything evolves, but I can't understand this because there is nowhere to go from that, and to me that is a disconnect where you hit someone with 20 moves and you don't hurt each other. I just don't know. I think if you were a small guy working with a bigger guy, that makes sense that you have to throw more things to try and hurt that guy, but two guys of the same size I just don't know. That is just my opinion on it, but I know a lot of people share that, and a lot of people that are casually watching it don't understand it. To me it exposes the business a little too much. Again, everybody can do that and no-sell anything, they really can. Athletically it's great, everything they do, but if it takes 4-5 superkicks to get a guy down then what does that say about your superkicks?"


SummerSlam 2019 is going to Canada. Toronto, Canada, to be exact.

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