Saturday, August 4, 2018


UK star proves doubters wrong:

Will Ospreay says he feels justified in turning down job offers from WWE an TNA in 2015, and instead going to NJPW, after he completed the purchase of his first home this week.

Local news cover funeral:

Local news in Memphis covered Grand Master Sexay's funeral yesterday, and got an interview with his dad, the King...


Miz has refused to face Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam via social media.


Rock is making his new film 'Jungle Cruise'.

Melina compares theft to rape:

WWE Alum Melina says the theft of intimate pictures of her made her feel like she had been raped...

"That was kind of a horrific experience in my life,. Because that was something very intimate that I was sharing with the love of my life. For somebody to steal that kind of stuff and put it out there. That was really horrible. That's kind of the way it was comparable to my rape in a sense because it was violating. So the person who stole those pictures that I sent to someone I cared about and love, it was an intimate thing between two people who love each other. It was a horrible thing for someone to do. It was something that I needed to learn like I had to cope with, I just don't want it to happen to anybody else. I'm thankful that I was able to overcome that like my mind was able to process that to be able to be okay with it. That's a horrible thing too especially as a woman.''

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