Thursday, August 9, 2018



MYC started taping last night. You'll get no SPOILERS!!! here.


Sunny has a chance to end her 6 month incarceration later this month. She must impress a judge on August 23, to have him/her reduce her punishment to parole.

Ronda reveals pre debut pep talk from Vince:

"I usually walk out and I'm all business, but Vince specifically told me to go out and allow myself to feel everything that I was feeling and not hide anything. And not to try and go out and be the tough girl, but to allow myself to smile, to enjoy it because, according to Vince, when I smile the whole world wants to hug me."


WWE ran an injury angle to take Aleister Black out of the stories following his recent surgery.

JR has SummerSlam concern:

"Reigns and Lesnar I guess will go on last at SummerSlam. I assume that. I don't know that. But if it is the last match of a long night, is that position you want to have your Universal title displayed under? I'm not sure. I'm not sure at all and I wonder what kind of reaction these two gentlemen are going to receive from the live audience. And if it is overtly negative, is that the image or the sound that you go off the air with? Just my question."


Renee Young will call Raw this week.

WWE ban dirt sheets:

WWE kicked out a ''Dirt Sheet'' writer from the MYC last night, for posting results online. He, as you might expect, was not happy about it...

"I've been told to not post finishes anymore by someone who works for the company. I was approached and specifically told that they would have to ask me to leave for posting finishes. I asked is that the new rule for everyone? I was told no, it was just the rule for me because I 'work for a dirt sheet' I was also told that if it was any other fan they wouldn't care. Simply because the Wrestling Observer endorses me as their reliable person on site I have now been singled out and am less than a fan to WWE. At this point I have no idea what I can and can not post. Any photos from tonight would be a spoiler as to who advanced, these tickets were $50 per night and yes I always pay for my own tickets to events so why would I risk being removed over petty drama? The worst part is all I've ever wanted to do was promote the talent with photos and gifs in addition to showing up. There's nothing I can do, I'm not even shocked, mostly disappointed, and even if I'm less than 'just a fan' I'll still be at Full Sail tonight having a great time."


Jason Jordan is a long way from coming back. His neck injury is significantly worse than WWE first thought.

Maria Kanellis has broken her wrist.

ROH concerned about WWE:

ROH's boss says he is worried WWE will sign Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks before their big MSG show...

"Of course, we're going to do everything that we can to keep them. And we have fair offers and fair plans to retain them. With that said, I don't think we ever operate in fear. We always operate with solid backup plans. And we have to always think about what if this, and what if that. If they go to the WWE, and they very much deserve that opportunity, we'll continue to offer the best wrestling that we can. There's other talent out there. And we will continue as our brand has for the past however many years. We've lost top guys before... Am I gonna make an aggressive attempt to retain them and sign longer-term agreements? Of course we are. But, at the end of the day, the ROH brand is about the ROH experience, and that's how we continue to grow."

Friends for never:

Colt Cabana has filed a million $ lawsuit vs CM Punk for legal fees, defamation and fraud. He says CM promised to finance their legal battle vs WWE, but refused to pay Colt's half, leaving him with legal bills of $513,736 and $256,868 court costs. When he asked Punk to help him, he allegedly replied... "You are on your own."

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