Thursday, August 23, 2018


Brock Lesnar:

WWE do not expect Brock Lesnar to be back with them until his next UFC run ends, maybe sometime in 2019, but have told him the door is always open.

Cena's new job:

John Cena will host a prank show on Facebook.

King takes campaign for truth to TV:

Cody talks why WWE return is unlikely:

"Somebody asked me the other day, 'would you go back?' And the answer has pretty much definitely become, 'I don't think so. Not because I don't like WWE or WrestleMania or I don't like money or I don't like the big production. Because I am literally now incapable of taking direction. If you told me you're gonna write something for me -- no. If you told me you're gonna produce something -- no. If you have me a time and a finish -- cool. But even that I'm literally -- I don't want to discourage because you've got Arn Anderson you've got Mike Rotunda -- you've got these guys in WWE] -- out of respect for sure. But, out of respect for myself, it's my song that I go out there to play."

Young Bucks echoed his feelings during the same interview...

"That would be so hard for me and Nick because we're DIY. Like from the ground up we've made every decision on our own. We've built ourselves up to this empire now on our own. So it would be like, 'how can I hand over the keys to this car to someone at this point?' Like I'd feel so afraid."

ADR talks AAA snub:

Alberto Del Rio has revealed why he refused to work TripleMania...

"I don't like how they are doing things in the business. We continue to see promoters take advantage of the talent. Thank God I am in the position where' I am able to say, 'OK you can do this, but you won't do this to me'. It happened with Triple A."

Rumble SPOILERS!!!:

The Rock is odds on favourite to win the Royal Rumble next year, then go on to challenge Roman Reigns at WrestleMania.

KO backs WWE over indies:

"I absolutely don't think it's a threat. I think it's great for everybody involved and WWE thrives on competition. It did for a long time. I think healthy competition is great and I think WWE would agree. But WWE will always try to go out and be better than everybody else and I think that's why they got to the point where they're at, you know? They want to be bigger and they want to do things other companies can't and they're never gonna change that way. The fact that all these companies are thriving is great for everybody involved. Whether it's wrestlers who are up and coming and trying to make a career or even wrestler that might eventually leave WWE, it gives them a place to go to..Look, the wrestling world is changing and it's very exciting to see. But I think it would be silly to look at these companies thriving and not feel like WWE is a big part of them thriving as well. You know what I mean? Even Ring Of Honor selling out Madison Square Garden is fantastic, it's unbelievable... but they're selling it out on WrestleMania weekend, you know what I mean? So I feel people should still be grateful to WWE and I know some people that's not the cool thing to admit that WWE might not be this giant thing trying to hurt the indies. "

WWE movies:

WWE movies chief has been ousted after a coup d'etat by his second in command, who has taken the role over.

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