Friday, August 17, 2018


Gig dropped:

WWE have cancelled a live concert by Elias for Saturday night in New York.

Bryan ready to commit:

Daniel Bryan says he is very close to deciding on his future...

"I think at this point it's 90 plus percent… I will say it's likely I will sign with WWE. The reality is that's the probability. I have not re-signed yet but it could happen as soon as the end of this week or it could be a couple more weeks. It's very likely."

Careers on the line:

Matt Hardy's career is on the line. He has a serious issue with his back, where his pelvis and lower back are fusing together, causing him pain. He is training in a different way to counter the discomfort, and may be dropping to a limited schedule, but there is also talk he is shadowing backstage officials to learn the ropes, so he maybe considering a move behind the curtain.

Matt is not the only one. Jason Jordan is also working with production, as the severity of his neck issue has left his ring future in doubt. He is apparently excited at the idea of the role.

Survivor Series:

The long talked about battle of the 4 horsewomen is penciled in for this years Series.

Alum All-In:

Billy Gunn is booked for All-In.


WWE have extended their free to air deal in Australia.

Record reign:

WWE say AJ Styles is the longest running SmackDown champion in history.

Big Show:

Big Show has been named as the new global ambassador for the Special Olympics.


Oney Lorcan is back from a facial injury.

Seth angry with fans:

Seth Rollins says he was upset with fans at Extreme Rules last month...

"I think upset is the right way to put it. "People are like, 'did you get mad?' Naw dude, I just get sad because I love performing and I love having that synergy with the crowd and when they're, you know paying attention to something else, inexplicably really, it's frustrating from a performance perspective. Especially when you know you're in the main event of a pay-per-view for the Intercontinental Championship, it hasn't been done in twenty-odd years and it's the match that you know, most people in the building paid money to see, to begin with. So it still doesn't make sense to me. I don't get it. I can't imagine myself paying money to go to some sort of show or game or concert or something and you know and not paying attention to what's going on. Again, you know they did buy their tickets they're allowed to do whatever they wanna do with their time. So it's sort of a double-edged sword in that sense. They can do what they want, but yeah it definitely makes you question your own validity in that spot."


Emma has withdrawn from ROH's tour due to a medical issue. She suffers with the skin condition psoriasis, and has had a bad flare up. She added that she found it very difficult to admit to it publicly, but wanted to apologise to fans that were expecting to see her, and hoped they could understand.

Hogan bites back:

Hulk Hogan has responded to wrestlers that have questioned his return to WWE, and says they don't understand the ''Brotherhood'' of wrestling...

"It is what it is. I said those words, it was totally unacceptable and I just really wanted to get in front of all the talent and apologize because I know I hurt this business. You know I just wanna move forward. I just hope the brotherhood can get back to the way it was because you know, when you're in the ring and somebody is bodyslamming somebody or piledriving somebody you protect your brother and you make sure physically that they're safe. Outside the ring you're supposed to protect your brother, you know? In this case it's a situation where you know, 75- 80-90% of the wrestlers are protecting me, they're giving me another chance to move forward. But, you know there's just a few wrestlers that kinda don't understand the bond that the brotherhood of wrestling if someone makes a mistake you need to forgive them and move on and try to let them prove themselves. I just feel that I wish I could kinda have one-on-one conversations with people who really don't know me and try to maybe explain myself better. But, you know all in all it was a great day. It's just a highlight of my life to be able to be back in the Hall Of Fame and to be able to move forward. So it's been a great time these last couple of weeks."

Titus spots fan:

Titus O'Neil has paid for tickets for a couple to go to the NXT special this weekend. He met the young lady today, and asked, as she was wearing an NXT shirt, if she was going to the show. She responded that she wasn't sure, not wanting to admit she did not have the funds. Titus clearly picked up on this, and pulled his wallet out and gave her a $100 bill and told her to get to the arena to buy the tickets before they sold out. She did so, and now plans to surprise her boyfriend with them for his birthday.

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