Thursday, August 2, 2018


NXT debut:

Big indie name Keith Lee will debut for NXT next week.

Foley unhappy with legacy:

Mick Foley says he did not like being remembered for HIAC in 1998...

"For a while, it kinda bothered me that that was the only thing people remembered me for. But as is often the case with iconic characters whether it be Batman or the Fonz, after a while you stop regretting it and realize how lucky you are to be a part of something people remember so fondly. I've had a great time bringing that night back to life on stage and I enjoy talking about it with a lot of people who were not even born when that match took place 20 years ago."


The Lawler family have unveiled Grand Master Sexay's casket.


Kane's election campaign comes to it's conclusion today. Booker T too, continues to promise he has political ambitions...

"I got my name in the hat for 2019 Mayor of Houston, Texas. The great city of Houston. I got a lot of you know bumps in the road. I got a lot of landmines I gotta figure out how I'm gonna get past. My past is checkered, of course. Everybody knows the Book is an open book."

Heat on D-Bry:

WWE are growing tired of Daniel Bryan dragging his feet on his future. He has been pulled from some live events, and is free of his deal on September 1, but is still booked for the November Euro trip.


Conor McGregor did not bother turning up for filming of a specially written part for him on Edge's show 'Vikings'.

Aussie super show:

Undertaker and John Cena are advertised for the MCG show.


Big Cazz is taking indie bookings under his new ring name.

WWE want LU brothers:

WWE have sent out feelers to Fenix and Pentagon Jr, but they have three year deals with LU.

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