Friday, August 24, 2018


Carlito says leaving WWE made him better:

"I think I've had time to really think about things. I enjoy the slowed-down pace. What I've learned is kinda like what I think the great athletes like basketball players and stuff what you start to learn as your physical abilities start to dissipate or whatever. You start to adjust to succeed otherwise. I feel like a much better wrestler just because of new ways that I have found to workaround situations and entertain people. It's like a total difference performance now than when I was younger when I was just worried about how high I could jump or what flip I could do."


Matt Jackson says he recently spoke with Neville, and that he told him he was doing well.


Evolution promotional poster released.

Never say never?... yes I will:

Taeler Hendrix says she will never work for WWE...

"Never. Never. I am with National Pro Wrestling League and I am very happy. I found a home for myself, I found a brand that I can believe in, and I can help revolutionize. And, honestly, not many women can they're there for the starting of a division. And this just isn't any division, let's be clear. This isn't just an independent. This is a TV program. This is a revolutionary program. How many women are going to be able to say that?"

Bret Hart honoured:

Bret Hart has been honoured by an indigenous tribe at a ceremony in Calgary.

Swagger recalls shooting on fellow Alum:

Jack Swagger says he and Cesaro had to take a sand-bagging Brodus Clay  to school on Raw...

"Oh yeah, absolutely. Sometimes the amateur wrestling doesn't send the right message. Like, if you squeeze someone down and put the clamps on and they're still like squirming a little bit, sometimes you just gotta use the old right hand to get them to calm down. You can ask Cesaro about this. I'm friends with Brodus Clay, but we were tagging with him on Raw one day and he just wasn't getting the message. And like, Cesaro was hitting him pretty hard and tagged me in, and I started hitting him hard and he still wasn't getting the message. So me and Tony just kind of looked at each other, and I mean, I hit him with everything I had and I'm pretty sure he went down.''


AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe is on for Hell In A Cell, a rematch for the WWE gold from SummerSlam.

Jericho confirms he is open to moving on from WWE:

"When someone says 'would you ever go to IMPACT? Would you ever go to Ring Of Honor? Would you ever go here there or wherever?' Yeah sure, why not? If its creatively satisfying, if it's something that I can really sink my teeth into, something that I can really enjoy, then why wouldn't I give it a try? At this point, I've done everything I could ever do in wrestling. I have a loyalty to WWE but not a death wish with them or anything like that where by hook or by crook I have to be with the WWE. I think part of the fun of what's going on right now in the business is there's a real resurgence with independent wrestling and independent companies and it really gives the WWE a real kick in the ass when people go other places. You have guys like Kenny and the Young Bucks and Cody, people that are walking away and choosing not to sign with WWE which was never an option five or ten years ago. It was all about working with the WWE and signing with the WWE now its like, 'You know what? The WWE is there but once you have the chance to go somewhere else and do some work elsewhere, that kind of takes your career and your life in a different direction.'"

Mania celeb dies:

Robin Leach, who famously unveiled the (Greatest) WWF World title at WrestleMania 4 in 1988, has died aged 76.

Hulk Hogan reveals who taught him no sell / Hulk up:

"Then what happened is I went to Minnesota for three years and I really honed my craft. Verne Gagne actually taught me how to start shaking and 'Hulk Up' and Verne actually taught me that, how to come up. He could coach me, 'now you gotta start shaking and if somebody hits you with a lead pipe in the head you act like it doesn't hurt you. When they dropkick you, you don't go down... when they hit you with four dropkicks you just wobble.'"

MYC leak:

Tegan Nox was booked to make it to the final of MYC2 before she was injured during the competition.

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