Saturday, August 18, 2018


Ambrose on tour:

Dean Ambrose has been added to shows in England on August 29 and Japan two days later.

SummerSlam heat on Sasha:

Sasha Banks is in heat for revealing New York has lost SummerSlam from next year prematurely. She said LA would be taking it back from next year during an interview. WWE had to put out a statement confirming the location change, but denied LA was the planned venue for 2019. I am hearing rumours Toronto, Canada will have the honour.

JR reveals why he refused All In and MYC roles:

Jim Ross says his performance at last years MYC was not high standard and he refused to work All-In, because...

"I'm going to go to OU football that day, it's the season opener. I've got my priorities. I passed up a good booking. I would love to be there, but I've got my priorities, folks, and mine is OU football during the football season."


Tonight is the biggest night of NXT's year. Their Brooklyn special.

Ziggler deciding future this weekend:

Dolph Ziggler says he will finally decide if he is going to sign the rumoured $1.5 million a year, two year extension to his WWE deal on Sunday or Monday this week.

DDP hated WWE debut angle:

"I hated the idea at first. I'm trying to be a team player and this is Hollywood so to speak, we're trying to blur the lines of reality and not reality - you're not really stalking her - but that's the role you want me to play in a world where some people believe what the s--- is! When you're doing something like a stalker idea, they built this storyline and couldn't get anybody to do it - that's the real deal. They wanted Austin to do it. And Austin is like 'f--- that!' and he told me about that later and I was like 'You couldn't have called me up and said that to me?!'"

Nakamura talks future:

"Moving to the U.S. is a big decision for my family. It's a long-term thing. Rumors say, 'Shinsuke Nakamura's contract expires and New Japan— ,' okay. New Japan didn't make contact with me. I'll probably stay, but it depends on money.''

McMahon's funeral issue:

Stephanie and Vince McMahon were debating which of them should attend yesterday's funeral of Jim Neidhart, and which should do the SummerSlam Axxess. Stephanie was concerned she would not be able to get back to NYC for SummerSlam, due to a storm, and Vince offered to step in, but Steph did go and she, Nattie and Tyson Kidd made it back for Slam this weekend, so she did both events.

Internet heat:

Zack Ryder has confirmed, for the first time, that his online show did earn him heat from the office...

"I just don't think people knew what was going on. Even with the Internet Title. I wanted to wear that, I got that made, I wanted to wear it out on TV. I'm not gonna say who, but somebody, when I presented the idea, just called me a mark for myself. I said, 'No, I don't really think I'm the champ of the internet.' It's like a gimmick. Like the Million Dollar Title, I want to come out with it. I didn't make a belt because I have all these cool Twitter followers, it's part of the act. I was never allowed to wear it on TV, but it was on one of my t-shirts, they made an action figure of it, it was in the video game."

Miz talks moving into acting:

"You know you can never say never. Because you never know what's gonna happen. You can't do WWE forever, like your body will just not hold up. So where does the future hold for me? I don't know. I'm going to do WWE until it stops being fun. Right now, it is the most fun I've ever had in my entire career. Because I am at an elite level where I know what I need to do and where I need to be."

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