Wednesday, August 8, 2018



Bludgeons vs New Day is booked.

Becky refuses TD role:

"When I first got on the road, there was a conversation about Total Divas, for me, I don't think that is in my future. I appreciate what it [has] done for the other girls, but I think I would like to keep my real life separate to wrestling and I just don't foresee me on any sort of reality TV show."

Rhodes cleared:

Brandi is back in the ring after shoulder surgery.

MYC change:

Michael Cole, Renee Young and Beth Phoenix will call MYC 2.

Magnus rubbishes UK, challenges HHH:

Former Impact champ Magnus says Triple H has been making ill informed choices regarding his WWE chances and rubbished the idea of joining the UK show...

"People ask me about WWE UK, I'm like 'are you kidding me?. Not to disparage any of those guys but I've deposited more money in my bank account in one week than some of those guys are going to make in half a year on that contract. That's not a knock on them, yeah? It's business, but at the end of the day, it's like, why would I do that? I'm betting on myself."

King talks death of Grand Master Sexay:

New baby:

Karl Anderson is welcoming his 4th child into the world today.

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