Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Bray Wyatt vs Erick Rowan...

* Big Show vs Ryback...

* Los Matadores vs Masters Of The WWE Universe...

* The Ascension vs Two Jobbers...

* Adam Rose & Gold/StarDust vs R-Truth & The Uso's...

* Roman Reigns vs Rusev...


Jarrett on TNA departure:

Jeff Jarrett concedes everything was far from rosy when he left TNA, but says there was no explosion that led to him leaving, he just came to realise his time there was over, and it was time for him to quit.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns has stated his life could have ended earlier this year, after he ignored the pain from his hernia for far too long, and admitted he was shocked when WWE split The Shield, as they had much more for them to do.

He also played down talk of 2015 being his breakout year, saying he wants to be the best, but is prepared to wait, should he have to.

Brie on Bryan:

Brie Bella says she and her husband Daniel Bryan talked about his future after he was cleared for a WWE return, as they are worried about his neck, but that she trusts that he knows his own body, and supports his choice to come back.

E&C sue WWE:

Edge and Christian will sue WWE and The Authority for what happened on Raw, they say it will be a multi million dollar writ.

First time ever:

WWE release a video of 5 things that happened for the first time in 2014...

UK fans charged extra:

Sky Sports have announced a £5.00 addition to the price of PPV's from Royal Rumble 2015, from £14.95 to £19.95.

WWE guests:

Maryse, and rock star Paul Stanley were at this weeks TV's.

Curtis Axel:

Curtis Axel will drop down into NXT next year, to be the star attraction, taking over from Tyson Kidd, who will appear more regularly on WWE TV.


WWE are re-working some ''Top'' matches for next years Mania. Possibly a clue to Mr. Lesnar's future?.


WWE had Ryback cut a personal promo on Raw, because they want fans to buy into him more ''On an emotional level''.

TNA sign another veteran:

Abyss has put pen to paper on a new deal.

WWE game news:

John Cena, Brock Lesnar and The Rock have been named in the WWE / super hero cross over game ''Immortals''. Also no new DLC packs will be released for 2K15.

Orton in surgery:

Randy Orton is having surgery on his nose, a minor procedure, but enough to keep him from returning on Raw this week.

WWE sign indy star:

Uhaa Nation has now reportedly signed his WWE deal.

WWE re-work contracts:

After being stung by CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio, WWE have added a clause to talent contracts stating that, should a star be fired, as both the aforementioned men were, they would lose all rights to royalties and merchandising as a result.

WWE Alum banned:

Psicosis has been banned from competing in Mexico, after hitting a security guard during a brawl over the weekend.


Matt Riddle is impressing coaches at the Monster Factory, as he trains for a wrestling career.

Kevin Nash:

Kevin Nash was the first victim of the WWE's new morality clause, he lost his WWE legends deal after being involved in a domestic incident.

Royal Rumble SPOILERS!!!:

Despite the huge news about Daniel Bryan's WWE return, sources within WWE creative say that plans have not changed, and Roman Reigns will still win the Rumble match, and go on to WrestleMania. That could of course change.

WWE ask for time:

WWE have asked for more than the 30 days they were granted to respond to the lawsuit filed against them by Billy Jack Haynes.

Signing off...

Here is my moment of 2014 (What was yours)... Thanks for another year supporting the pages, It's been fun doing them..., hope the new year treats you all better than this one did, take care of yourselves, and each other...



Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have assured Brock Lesnar that there is no heat on him for considering leaving WWE at the end of his current deal. Not because there is no heat, but because they want to continue a dialogue with him, hoping he will re-consider his departure and stick around.

Raw notes:

Daniel Bryan announced his return to WWE will be at, and in, the 2015 Royal Rumble match.

The Authority have been brought back, Cena was forced to allow their return to save Edge from a Seth Rollins attack.

WWE, via Jerry Lawler, officially announced that Christian is now retired as a wrestler, ending a 15 year WWE career, he still has a year to run on his deal, so will appear in other capacities for the duration. WWE feel the regularity of him suffering injuries, particularly concussions, mean he can no longer work at the required level for him to continue as an active talent.

The Uso's won the Tag Titles.

Roman Reigns worked two different venues, a five minute match at a live show in Virginia, then he was rushed to Washington for Raw.

The Ascension debuted vs Miz & Sandow, who had lost their Tag Titles earlier in the evening.

Bad News Barrett returned from injury.

Randy Orton came out after the show ended, to help John Cena in his fight against the Authority members.

TNA split:

Brooke has revealed tensions during the taping of Amazing Race led to the end of her relationship with Robbie E.

Daniel Bryan:

Not everyone wanted Daniel Bryan to come back, a WWE poll saw 19% of the ballot choose the option for Daniel to end his career, during Raw last night.

Adrian Neville:

WWE have three angles they want to do with Neville before he steps up, starting with a title triple threat vs Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. They also plan individual feuds with Hideo Itami, and Finn Balor.

Wrestle or retire, Taker:

The Undertaker will be at WrestleMania 31. He will either work a match vs Bray Wyatt, or WWE will induct him as their star inductee into the Hall Of Fame class of 2015, probably confirming his retirement in the process. Should Taker go in the HOF, that would also likely mean Randy Savage would be bumped from next years class.

Angle signs:

Kurt Angle has officially signed to remain with TNA, after WWE showed little to no interest in taking him back.

Jay Briscoe talks injury:

''It was pretty nasty, man. They said they could have did surgery for it and drove a screw down screwed the shoulder bone back into my arm but they said I would have been out for a while. So I just kinda let it heal on its own and now I guess it's gonna be popped up like this until I get it taken care of. It's not too bad I've learned to live with it.''

Foley supports Bryan:

Mick Foley has thrown his support behind Daniel Bryan winning the Royal Rumble...


I'm not going to smash any TV sets this January. I'm hoping not to say, write, or tweet things that make my relationship with WWE difficult. But following Daniel Bryan's emotional speech on WWE Monday Night Raw last night, I think he could be the guy to face Brock Lesnar at this year's ?#?Wrestlemania?.

As opposed to the earlier Ryback - WWE promo, where Ryback seemed uncomfortable, and in too much of a rush for us to appreciate the substance of the words, Daniel Bryan allowed his emotions to tell the story - reminding us of the journey he'd been on this past year, while not letting us forget what it was about him that made so many of us root for him to begin with. He fights from underneath like few before him ever have, and (despite what some of my colleagues may think) would be a credible threat to knock down the mountain that Lesnar has been built to be. It would be the ultimate David, facing the ultimate Goliath. Man vs Beast. Man vs himself - really no need for Man vs company here. Give Paul Heyman free creative reign to bring out the best in Daniel Bryan - and for the WWE Universe to bring out the best in themselves - and we have got ourselves a compelling Mania main event.''

Jimmy Uso on Total Diva's:

Jimmy says he and his wife Naomi have different opinions on their exclusion from the ''Reality'' show...

''The work is a lot less now. I almost get to have my privacy back. We come off of these tours and you want to get home and relax, but you're still working because you're front of these cameras. They're in your home and you really just want to sleep all day. I'm OK with it, but my wife really isn't. We didn't agree with the terms, but things happen and they work out how they do. We're enjoying the free time that we have now.''

Monday, December 29, 2014

Today's News

Foley ends year:

Mick Foley is wearing regular person clothes for the first time in a year, after he ended a 365 day campaign of wearing Christmas themed attire, to promote his Santa Claus documentary, yesterday.

Raw teaser:

* How will Edge and Christian wreak havoc?

* What will emerge from The Ascension's Wasteland?

* How will Dolph Ziggler close out his best year ever?

* Did Jimmy Uso deliver a deal-breaker to The Miz?

* Where do Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt go from here?

Bad News Barrett is also scheduled to return.

Scary incident for WWE Diva:

Emma suffered a scare at a live show last night. She was thrown through the ropes, but hit her back on the apron as she fell from the ring, unable to move and in pain, WWE medics rushed from the back to tend to her. She was unable to continue the match, and after five minutes of treatment at ringside was helped to the back.

Cesaro vs WWE:

Cesaro demanded to have his own theme song cut off during his entrance at last nights live event, saying the song was ''Not good at all''.

UFC legend blasts wrestling:

Don Frye said of CM Punk's switch to UFC...

"I thought he pulled out like 4 hours after he signed the contract. I thought maybe the common sense fairy came by and tapped him on his shoulder and said 'hey dumbass, this isn't WWE.' I mean god dammit, who's that big blonde fairy who has the belt for the WWE? [He's] from North Dakota, or South Dakota, or one of them. East Dakota? The Minnesota Viking. What's his name? [Brock Lesnar] Yeah Lesnar. Yeah he found out real fast. He was supposed to be god's answer to Satan, or Satan's answer to Christ, and he found out real fast that's not the place to be. He got hit, and man it changed his - he wanted to back, go to work in McDonalds."


2015's Royal Rumble promotional poster.

WWE name best stars:

WWE have credited the following stars, as the most impressive of 2014...

#8 Stardust
#7 Slater Gator
#6 Jack Swagger
#5 The Bunny
#4 Erick Rowan
#3 Damien Mizdow
#2 Nikki Bella
#1 Dolph Ziggler

They also listed the 10 most defining moments of 2014...

#10 John Cena destroyed by Brock Lesnar
#9 NXT takes center stage
#8 Hulk Hogan comes home to WWE
#7 Seth Rollins turns on The Shield
#6 The Ultimate Warrior enters the Hall of Fame
#5 Sting steps into a WWE ring
#4 Daniel Bryan overcomes the odds
#3 The Authority's reign of terror ends
#2 WWE Network launches
#1 Brock Lesnar breaks The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak

Hogan school?:

Hulk Hogan is personally training rapper Riff Raff to make the move into wrestling.

Mexico drop WWE:

Televisia, Mexico's biggest Network have ended a 6 year relationship with WWE.


WWE are working on a post WrestleMania feud for Sting, pitting him against Seth Rollins. However WWE are also itching to put Rollins into the title stories as soon as possible, and their are no plans for Sting to be a title contender for his limited WWE career, so this is probably not going to come to fruition, but they are working on having an angle prepared, in case.

Neville gimmick update:

WWE are planning on putting Adrian Neville in a mask and cape, but have rowed back on the Mighty Mouse inspiration for his main roster look. They now compare their ideas for him to the late Crash Holly, a kid friendly, cute, underdog, likable character.

There is only one Crash Holly IMO... Good luck recreating his popularity...

His debut has also been pushed back until the spring, they are going to give him a couple more angles with NXT first.

This is actually not a new idea, they offered a Mighty Mouse gimmick character to the late Chris Candido in 1995, but ended up naming him Skip.

Fast-Food company use WWE footage in TV ad:

Hardees have used footage of Brock Lesnar destroying the WWE offices, from his 2013 angles with Triple H, in this ad, for a bacon burger...

NWO reunion officially off:

WWE have confirmed to the arena, for Raw on January 15, that Kevin Nash will not be in attendance. They are now advertising Scott Hall as Razor Ramon instead, so he will still likely attend, and Hulk Hogan is also still booked.

Possible huge announcement:

Daniel Bryan says he has reached a cross road and will share a big decision on Raw tonight... 

It's unlikely to be his return to the road, he is still far from healthy, don't want to think it, but retirement???

''Everyone comes to a crossroads in their life and I’ve come to mine. I look forward to telling you all about it tonight on #Raw.''

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Today's News

Nash no-shows

Despite assuring MCW he was going to attend last nights show, Kevin Nash did withdraw after all, saying his Son had had a medical emergency. Mick Foley stepped in to cover for Big Daddy Cool at the last minute.

Power Ranger Punked:

The green Power Ranger is furious that CM Punk blanked his challenge for a UFC bout, and says he believes Punk regrets signing up for the Octagon, and may not ever fight...

"I'm not going to lose. He's not hungry. He looked like he regrets the deal. He looks scared, he looked nervous. Me too, I'd get nervous too being in front of people, but the difference is he's not hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry because I want this fight. I've wanted this for two years. He needs to figure it out because there's way too much hype in this. He can continue to ignore me and he can go to bed every night and go to sleep and know that he's been punked."

One of Punk's new stable mates, Cole Miller, jumped to the former WWE mans defense...

"This guy doesn't just have a chance, he's gonna kick somebody's ass. I think he'll do very well. I don't think he's trying to make a 10-year career out of this. But he's going to shake things up, whoop some ass and prove a lot of people wrong. I expect him to do very well against whoever they put up against him."

Orton injured:

Randy Orton was pulled from last nights live event, just one night after making his return in MSG on Friday night. He was hurt in a match vs Kane, and WWE docs refused to allow him to compete, after being evaluated before last nights show started. He instead spent time meeting and greeting fans, and fulfilled a Make-A-Wish request. He did come out at the end of the show for a run in.

WWE star off road:

WWE have allowed Heath Slater to leave the road until his court case is settled.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Today's News

WWE lives:

Randy Orton and Wade Barrett returned to action last night. Wade from injury, Orton from making a movie.

Santino was visiting in New York, while Jesse Jackson visited his family friend Titus O'Neill in Chicago.

Nash confirms booking:

MCW have re-assured fans that Kevin Nash will be at this weekend's event, despite his personal issues over Christmas.

Security crack down at WWE shows:

Fans were delayed getting into WWE events this weekend, security were told to check all signs thoroughly before allowing people in, fans questioned staff as to what they were looking for, and one female attendant confirmed WWE wanted no CM Punk related material getting through.

Extreme Rules:

WWE have announced Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL. will host next years PPV.

CM Punk defends wrestling... sort of:

CM Punk says wrestling is no joke...

''I think it varies. Some days, 'I felt like, 'Yeah, what we do makes us athletes.' And then there were situations when I'd feel pretty silly about what I was doing -- if you've got to dress up like Santa or you're getting beat up by Santa. You're watching part of the show, thinking it's a little suspect.' Overall, pro wrestling is no joke, though. Everybody in it is an athlete to some degree.''

He also talked about being better equipped to make it in UFC than Brock Lesnar...

"I suppose the easy answer to what Brock's shortcomings were that he probably needed to spar more. Everyone always likes to say Brock hated getting hit in the face. I don't know who likes getting hit in the face, but I guess he did need to work on his stand-up defense. You get punched in the nose, your eyes water. When it happens, will I turn around and run? No, that's not going to happen. I'm going to do my best to avoid that punch, but if it lands, I'll be OK."

WWE backstage notes:

WWE have known Corey Graves was going to need to retire since the Summer, but have held off on breaking the news for some time. They are also working on making Bray Wyatt look as strong as possible going into 2015, still hopeful of a WrestleMania match vs The Undertaker.

RVD out of Mania:

Rob Van Dam has accepted bookings for next years WrestleMania weekend.

New team:

Cesaro and Tyson Kidd are calling their new tag team ''Masters Of The WWE Universe''.

NWO reunion nixed:

WWE today confirmed they have withdrawn Kevin Nash's invite to Oldschool Raw in the new year.

Ryback talks WWE release:

Ryback says he was dropped from WWE in 2006 because he was struggling to deal with Bill DeMott's negative view, and constant demeaning of him, he said he was in a bad place, and knew it was a matter of time before he got the axe. However Danny Davis helped him develop a new gimmick, and strengthen up his character, and WWE came back a short while later, to re-sign him.

He also thanked fellow developmental star Luke Gallows, who found him working in a bar, and tipped him $30, telling him to buy a book, which Ryback credits with turning his life around.

Brock to UFC:

A leaked text message from UFC owner Dana White says he has not as yet approached Brock Lesnar about returning to the Octagon.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Today's News

Mick Foley interview:

On ambitions to have one more match...

"No, I exceeded my wildest expectations in wrestling and really feel good about the legacy I left behind. I find that I get most of the same things I loved about performing in the ring when I do my live shows around the world. I also find it when I don the red suit and become an ambassador for Santa [laughs]."

On his current favourites...

"I like those really multidimensional characters like Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt. I've really seen Seth Rollins come on strong in the last few months. I actually love the Damien Mizdow character [laughs], he has become must-see TV. When I hear the words, 'Dad, Mizdow's on TV!' I move quicker than you would expect. I would be very remiss not to include Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and some of the NXT guys on the rise like Sami Zayn."

On his Daughter's wrestling future...

"She was training and she loves it. I would like her to be a wrestling personality as opposed to a wrestler, just because as a dad I don't want to see my daughter go through the things that I did. The absolute worst way to ensure that somebody will not listen to you is to try to force them, so I'm going to support her in whatever she does. I'm just trying to find the best possible training for her."

Punk chooses UFC home:

He will be a part of the Roufusport training camp. Apparently there has been some controversy surrounding the owner of the facility, but any concerns Punk may have had were allayed, they say they have drastically improved their methods in recent years.

Hardy baby:

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky are to become parents to a baby boy, they have revealed.


WWE have announced a new Ultimate Warrior DVD... "Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe" will hit stores on April 14, 2015.

Nash moves on:

Kevin Nash is trying to put his family issues behind him...

"We're not the Capones. We just opened presents and we went out to dinner last night."

Wrestling link to reality show:

A member of the famous Anoa'i family has won a spot on American Idol, a singing contest. Reno regularly sings with his local church. He is the nephew of Afa and Sika, and cousin of current WWE man Roman Reigns.

Back To The Future... Fella:

WWE star Sheamus has bought the iconic DeLorean car from the 80's comedy Back To The Future.

Bellator approach Lesnar:

"There hasn't been any serious dialogue, but when the time comes to have serious dialogue, we'll be right there." So says the president of the MMA group.

TNA heat:

TNA are not happy with Spike putting their last two shows on their Network in a later time slot than they usually aired in, breaking a promise to keep them in prime time.

Dixie talks Vince interview:

''I can't even comprehend that statement (Lack of ambition). It doesn't sit with our group. My own roster's completely different than that. I don't have a complaint about anybody on my roster. The young guys are just as hungry … the young guys from 10 years ago are now the Bobby Roodes, Samoa Joes, James Storms. Visit Wrestling Inc. My main eventers, who were brand new young talent from 10 to 12 years ago, I'm proud of how far they've come. This young group of talent we have right now, they're the hardest working, most positive team players around."

Huge heat on AJ Lee:

WWE are hot with AJ over 3 incidents. Her Slammy speech, she went completely off script, and ran down the entire women's division (Bar Paige), her choice to attend the UFC show with CM Punk, and another incident, where she was removed from the intro of Main Event after a ''Hiccup'' backstage, no further details of what the issue was, have emerged.

Wrestling wedding:

Magnus and Mickie James are engaged to be married.

Dean Ambrose talks dream angle, that never was:

Referencing the long teased debut feud with Mick Foley...

"It was going to be a real thing. That was the start of it. It was my idea, something that I pitched. I'm of the generation who watched Mick Foley fall off stuff, and on the indies people are falling off ladders and getting hurt. I did a lot of hardcore stuff before I got here [the WWE]."

Ambrose said the basis of the angle would be that Mick Foley influenced an entire generation of young wrestlers to hurt themselves in order to get cheers...

"I was going to make him pay for it. Hunter bit on it. It was almost too real.''

Ambrose said that the company wanted the feud to start on Twitter, but he didn't have one. The WWE set up accounts for all of the FCW talent, in order to veil the fact that he was having an account created to start the angle...

"The dirt sheets starting biting on it. I went up to him while he was signing autographs, people were filming on their phones and had no idea who I was''. This was at WrestleMania a couple of years ago, Ambrose also said that even Mark Henry fell for it after hearing a second hand account of the ordeal, he offered to beat up Foley's harasser.''

Unfortunately for all involved, Foley couldn't get cleared to compete and the angle was nixed...

"I was pretty bummed, I thought that was the one perfect moment. But it gave me buzz and got more eyes on me. There was a positive in it''.


Remembering the obscene amount of lives lost on this day 10 years ago, in the Christmas Tsunami... RIP all.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Today's News

Hope you have all had a great day.

Nash dropped by WWE:

WWE have suspended Kevin Nash's legends contract after his arrest yesterday. He has now been released from jail, but says he can't forgive his son for what happened between them.

Roster vs WWE:

Triple H's attempts at regaining roster morale have backfired. Morale has been down since Steve Austin's interview with Vince McMahon, and the lack of ambition comment by the boss, Hunter decided it was time to step in and get everyone back on track... He failed, whatever was said has infuriated many, and further isolated others.

It is said that while Triple H is loved at NXT, he has lost all credibility with the senior roster.

WWE star written out:

AJ Lee is injured, and will not be back for a while, she continued to work hurt for a couple of weeks to see out her feud with Nikki Bella, but a big angle to write her out of the stories was cancelled from this weeks TV's without a reason being provided. She is ''Expected'' back at some point in 2015.


TNA's last show has aired on Spike. They are having problems with their new channel, they are being forced to offer 50% off ticket prices for the new year Impact tapings, due to extremely poor sales.

Batista named best:

Batista is the best athlete turned actor of 2014, awarded for his role in a Marvel film.

WWE vs E!:

WWE officials are furious with a scene on the new series of Total Diva's, which portrayed the ladies eating ''Special'' brownies and drinking alcohol. This would have resulted in fines and suspensions, by the WWE's own wellness policy, but as none of them have been fined or suspended, and the show being taped months in advance, WWE have some explaining to do, and egg on faces.

Adrian Neville:

WWE are working on putting a mask on Adrian Neville, and making him a kids cartoon-esque gimmick wrestler, he is likely to debut early in 2015.

X-Pac defends WWE future, under HHH:

"Hunter is very Pro Wrestler. Trust me. Everybody is worried about pro wrestling dying or whatever and saying 'Oh, it's sports entertainment blah blah,' trust me, Hunter is pro wrestling"

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Today's News

Hey, hope you are enjoying your festive season...

King Kong Bundy:

Bundy has slammed two HOF'er's as terrible, and says he refuses to call WWE by their current name...

"I can't say WWE. To admit that an organization that I was associated with got b---hslapped by the World Wildlife Fund..."

On what he did in between his WWE runs...

"I did a computer commercial in late 87. It ran for two years. For three years, I worked for the computer company. The other years I bought a bar - that didn't work out. I spent a lot of money. I gambled a lot. I did a computer commercial. It was a Dutch company called BenDex. It was a Dutch company that did $6 billion in sales. I do the commercial. All of a sudden, I got full page ads in USA Today, Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated. I hoped Vince wouldn't find out about it. Needless to say, Vince found out about it big time. Ever since that day, and I've been told this and never revealed this, 'that was the kiss of death to your career'. I say 'To hell with Vince McMahon'".

Negative views of Hall Of Famers...

Andre The Giant...

"You really want to know? Absolutely miserable. Andre The Giant was not a nice man..."

On Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels...

"... The advent on the downfall of this business was champions like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Horrible world champions. Did not look like grown men in my opinion. I read Bret's book. Wow. You cannot pick up a page without being amazed at how this man's ego was out of control. Bret wrote in his book I called him 'little man'. I always called him the 'little hitter' because he looked like a little kid in the ring. I come back six years later and he's the world champion... Total piece of sh**, Bret Hart. I used to be friends with Bret. I stayed at his house one time back in the day."

On his own HOF chances...

"I haven't spoke to Vince McMahon since I left there in 1994."

He didn't leave in 94, it was the summer of 95.

Nash Christmas rumble:

Kevin Nash and his Son Tristan spent today in jail after a drunken fight between Father and Son. Police were called at midnight last night to the disturbance at their home, where allegedly they found that Tristan had assaulted his Mum, and Nash had reacted physically to the situation, The younger man fought back, and a bloody brawl ensued. Both men have been charged with assault and battery, and are now in prison with no bond.

Tristan's version of events goes like this... The fight started when Nash was teasing the 18 year old, after his girlfriend had broken up with him, the younger man grew angry and elbowed his dad in the face and spat on him, Nash slammed him to the floor, and Tristan scratched at his face, before Nash chokeslammed him and knocked him out, Tristan says his Dad was the primary aggressor. He also says he was arrested later because his Mum called the police accusing him of throwing her around the kitchen.

Before this, Nash told ABC that he works as a scout for Triple H, and is always badgering him on social media to look at guys that impress him on his travels of the indy circuit.

Jarrett defends AJ Styles:

Jeff Jarrett says people should blame others for getting injured in matches with AJ Styles, not Styles himself...

"I want to have all due respect to guys that have been injured but I've heard that and I just have to laugh. Actually, I laughed. This business, as Jim Ross says, 'it ain't ballet.' But you need to learn how to protect yourself and if you can't protect yourself, either A get out of the business or B don't take it. Don't put it on AJ. Back in the asylum, Frankie Kazarian took it wrong and I know that the nature of our business is the tuck your chin to protect your neck. On this, know going in, focus and know, if AJ can be in this predicament. You know what to do. I put it on the performer, not on AJ. Not even close. It's ridiculous, in my opinion, for someone to say, 'AJ, that move needs to be banned.' He's done it for 12 years and, if a guy can't protect himself, it's not AJ's fault."

Two men, one of which was Yoshi Tatsu, have suffered broken necks this year in matches with AJ.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Today's News

Debut confirmed:

The Ascension will debut on Raw next week.

Top WWE star hospitalised?:

Bray Wyatt was taken away from Raw in an ambulance last night, and taken to a local medical facility. It has since been reported as kayfabe, he was driven away, in an ambulance, but was not taken to hospital, and is not really injured.


WWE Alum The Boogeyman visits Raw.

Hall Of Famer injury:

Tully Blanchard says he did not injure himself in the ring, but whilst running to the ring, at an indy event this weekend. He over exerted himself running to the aid of his Daughter, tearing a bicep.

Fake soldier is no lemon:

The fake soldier, that was attacked by Rusev a few weeks ago, was back on WWE TV last night, as a rosebud.

NXT star promises to do WWE proud:

Dana Brooke promises she will not let WWE down, as she prepares for the Arnold Classic...

"My dreams are coming true. It's like Christmas came early for me. I cannot feel more honored. This just shows how much WWE wants their athletes to succeed. I'm blessed. I will not let the WWE Universe down."

To mark her achievement WWE have given her her official WWE profile.

CM Punk:

CM Punk says he will be called Phil "CM Punk" Brooks when he fights for UFC...

"I've come this far with CM Punk. That's what people know," Punk said. "I'm trying to stick with that. I'm not shying away from it. I'm not ashamed of it."

He also took another shot at WWE, for not giving him the big matches...

"Imagine if UFC took Conor McGregor and they just put him on Fight Pass prelims, and they wouldn't let him main event the big PPV or a big show," Punk said. "That's how I felt. I was the main event on all the house shows, I was the only guy that was touring live every single day. When it came time for the PPV main event, oh, someone else is coming in."


Alberto Del Rio is in talks with Bellator for an MMA deal. The president of the group confirmed they are working on a deal, and said ADR has had some impressive performances in MMA in the past, and is excited about getting him on board.

Taz promises to reveal secret?:

Tazz has scored a big first podcast guest for his new show... Edge. He says they will discuss the incident behind the curtain after he had his debut match at the Royal Rumble in 2000.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Today's News

WWE 2015:

WWE will start a major WrestleMania angle on the first Raw of 2015, on January 5.

Batista snipes at WWE:

Batista is not happy with the lack of push of his friend, Titus O'Neill.

Natalya reveals marital problems are real:

Nattie Neidhart says her problems with Tyson Kidd on Total Diva's, are not scripted for the show, and they really are in trouble...

''There was some speculation from people, and I took it as a compliment because people didn't really want to think TJ and I had problems because they liked us as a couple. Some people were saying, 'Oh, it's all fake, Nattie and TJ aren't fighting.' I thought it was touching. I wish that was the case, you don't realise how real things are until you go through it. I realised doing the show we're really disconnected. I've known him for 17 years. Our relationship started going up in flames and it was hard to watch it and experience it in front of the entire world, and have people go, 'Oh, it's not real' and have my mum say, 'I know you're crying over something, those are tears are real, I know my daughter.' I'm still working through it with TJ.''

Personal note, not wanting to infer untruths from Nattie, but TD are also breaking Cena and Nikki up, coupled with the teases of a Tyson / Nikki romance, it makes me feel this is likely kayfabe.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

Taped early for Christmas...

* Hulk Hogan is GM...

* Kane vs Ryback...

* Alicia Fox vs Naomi...

* Adam Rose vs R-Truth...

* Rusev vs Dean Ambrose (US Title)...

* Jimmy Uso vs The Miz...

* Big Show & Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns...


Russo returns to wrestling:

Vince Russo is coming to the UK to work for IPW in 2015.

AJ Styles rubbishes WWE links:

"Why would I want to go to WWE?. I mean honestly… They're struggling right now with the Network… I'm in the hottest wrestling company in the world—New Japan—and I'm with the hottest wrestling group. We can say it over and over again. It's absolutely true."


TNA have announced a second new TV show. TNA's Greatest Matches, will debut on January 16.


Adam Pearce has announced his retirement, as he prepares to join the coaching team at the WWE PC.

WWE sends everyone home:

WWE have allowed their foreign talent to go home for Christmas, Sheamus, Finn Balor, Becky Lynch and Kenta have accepted the opportunity and flown to their home countries. Randy Orton, however, will be returning to the road, this Friday, in MSG.

Raw tease:

* What will happen when Santamania runs wild?

* What's Seth Rollins planning for John Cena?

* How will Bray Wyatt seek vengeance on Dean Ambrose this week?

* Will we see Ryback feast on Rusev this week?

* Roman Reigns' rampage continues


WWE are working on a ''Mighty Mouse-esqe'' character to promote one of NXT's stars. Who?, a comedic character?, a guy with poor ring work, but good on the mic?, no... Adrian Neville... by their own admission, they are going to take one of their finest, and turn him into a cartoon inspired gimmick wrestler.

WWE say goodbye to NXT staff:

Many of the NXT staff will leave this week, as they are graduating from Full Sail. WWE use many of the students to work on their production and set design, camera work etc, as they tape on the FSU campus.


Edge and Christian will reunite for two shows of flash photography, they are GM's for Raw and SmackDown next week.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today's News

Hall Of Famer injured:

Tully Blanchard tore his bicep at an indy show this weekend. He ran to the ring to help his Daughter Tessa, and threw a dropkick, but landed badly.

TNA man's contract controversy:

Quinton Jackson has signed a UFC contract, despite having an exclusive deal with their rivals Bellator, Bellator are threatening to hit him and UFC with all they have got, and are furious with the former TNA man.

WWE star returns:

Darren Young wrestled his first mach since WrestleMania 30's Battle Royal, in Canada over the weekend.


Cal Bishop was hurt at last nights live event, and Hideo Itami (Kenta) has been given a weekly column on WWE.Com/Japan, also Sami Zayn has been told he will not be brought back until the new year, to sell his injuries.

I'd rather pay:

WWE have announced 100,000 people chose to buy Survivor Series on PPV, rather than accept the event for free, as part of the WWE Network free month.


The Rotunda Family wishing troops a merry Christmas.

Bo Rotunda is penciled in to return in the Royal Rumble match, he is currently nursing a foot injury.

Jim Ross vs IWC:

JR has taken offence to sites reporting his comments, from his weekly blog, in particular referencing comments he made about Roman Reigns recently...

"Some, not all, who comprise the IWC and operate websites, etc love to walk a fine line. When asked if I thought Roman Reigns was ready for the WWE World Title run that might be in his future, I said "not now but he's got until April to become ready and that I was optimistic that he could get there. Some in the IWC, to create more traffic, then went into business for themselves printed that I said that Roman wasn't ready and inferred that I had little confidence in him of getting ready. That's like 'borrowing' from my blogs fpr their own sites and never mentioning how to order our products which is the primary reason hat I write so many blogs each create a forum to sell my family's products. At least I'm honest. To set the record straight, anyone who can guarantee that they know if Reigns will be ready or not are BS'ing themselves and who ever listens to them. If you have a crystal ball I'd suggest that you use to it win some sports bets and to play the stock market. By the way, what if Reigns is NOT slated to become the next big thing at WM31? The eraser is a mighty weapon. Bottom line is to simply stay tuned and enjoy the ride and try not to over analyze the TV programming of any company that promotes the genre."

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Today's News

WWE Alum goes under the knife:

The Hurricane had knee surgery yesterday.

UFC star talks future WWE plans:

Ronda Rousey said...

"Oh I would be a heel for sure. I can't take the name of 'Rowdy' and not be a heel, that would be an insult to the man I pay tribute to with my name - the great Rowdy Roddy Piper. I would have to try and live up to his legacy as much as possible and I can't do that being a babyface."


The Undertaker, photographed by a German fan earlier this week.

Foley applauds Punk:

''I've been asked quite a bit over the past several days for my opinion on CM Punk's decision to sign with UFC. I applaud it. While I have no idea how Punk will fare with top level MMA competitors, I do know that no one will out-train him or out-work him, and that, whether he wins or loses, succeeds or fails, he's likely to be responsible for a few incredible PPV buy-rates - which had been a cause of concern for him since the dawning of the #WWENetwork...which, last time I checked was only $9.99 a month. Just as importantly, #CMPunk won't end up sitting on his couch 10 years from now, muttering the two dirtiest words in the English language: "what if"?''

The Rock:

The Rock spent some time today visiting a children's hospital.

Total Diva's:

An online campaign to boycott Total Diva's until Naomi is reinstated to the cast, has won the support of her real world husband, Jimmy Uso.

Can you make it in WWE?:

WWE have released this interactive backstage video, give it a go, see how you do...

HHH asks out:

Triple H requested fan feedback on Twitter this week, a rare move. He was asking how Kevin Owens debut was going down with fans.

Brock Lesnar:

WWE insiders say it is not a foregone conclusion that Brock will leave WWE next year, but do admit that they cannot offer him the same financial package he has been receiving for the past 3 years. It has also been noted that Lesnar is slimming down, in preparation for a return to the Octagon?.

Amazing Race:

Brooke and Robbie E. finished 4th on their game show.

CM Punk on when he decided to stop, being ready to return this year, and more:

* Punk said that the reason he did the Art of Wrestling podcast was to tell his fans why he split. He didn't want to be a guy who constantly said negative things about WWE. In response to some people saying he lied about things, he said that he couldn't have even made that stuff up.

* Punk says that there's always somebody who will replace someone else on the wheel, and he is no different. He says he doesn't blame WWE for that. He didn't intend to bash the company, he was just telling his story.

* On a possible return to WWE, he said. "You asked if I'm going back to WWE, and my answer now is I can't be sure. I don't want to be the guy who says 'never say never,' I don't plan [to go back], but I can't tell the future. Something could happen, but I personally don't see it."

* He says that both he and WWE probably wish that they would have ended things differently, but it was something that had to be done. Punk said that after WrestleMania 29 he'd torn his knee up and had five weeks off and rediscovered life because he'd never had that long off.

* Punk seems like he would have welcomed a WWE return after his initial suspension, but nobody contacted him. He was prepared to sit out his contract after that, and thought the company were withholding his royalties. When he found an uncashed royalty check he had to call them.

* Regarding WrestleMania 29, Punk said "Yeah I was [over it by then]. I didn't care, and that was a big part of the problem, I was wrestling The Undertaker in front of 80,000 people, and I didn't give a f**k. I was just like 'ah, whatever.' I had zero passion, I was just like 'yeah, whatever.' And (The Undertaker) might get offended at that, but it's nothing against him, it's just where I was at. But I would hope he gets it."

Naomi defends Diva's:

Naomi says the women were ''P!ssed off'' with the lack of ambition comment from Vince McMahon, and said the women are as hungry as any of the guys, to do great.

Austin snubs Hogan:

Steve Austin says he has heard Hulk Hogan's trash talk, and he is not buying it. He has no ambition to get in the ring with him at WrestleMania, and says he is too busy to go on TV every week answering Hogan's latest attempt at ''Sh!t stirring'', but that didn't mean he was a coward, or was ducking him, it means he has better things to do.