Friday, October 12, 2018


US Government may shut down WWE trip:

Senators in the US system of Government are campaigning to block WWE's trip to Saudi Arabia. In the past week a Saudi national, but US based, journalist, with American citizenship, visited the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey. He has been outspoken in his criticism of the Saudi royal family during his career. He was seen entering the building, but has not been seen since. The US government suspect a botched kidnap attempt by the Saudi's has led to the death of the highly respected Jamal Khashoggi. This has infuriated the political world, and has led to calls for action against the Kingdom. One of the actions the US are pushing for is a blockade of the 10 year, big money, deal WWE have in the country. Senators worry about US companies propping up the controversial regime and plan to campaign to Linda McMahon, due to her links to both the company and the current US government.

WWE have released a brief statement on the story...

"We are currently monitoring the situation."

AJ pops for UK star:

WWE Champion AJ Styles says he wants to wrestle former UK champion Tyler Bate...

"If the opportunity presents itself, I think that him and I could have an unbelievable match."

UFC star says WWE have approached him:

Khabib Nurmagomedov, who recently scored a big win over Conor McGregor, in a hot tempered fight, says WWE have made an offer to him to join their promotion. He did though tag the tweet #FakeFights, so may not be keen on the idea.

WWE stars have been trolling him on Twitter since the tweet.

ROH star signs:

Punishment Martinez has signed for WWE and reported to the PC.


Impact are pushing their TV start time in the US back to 10pm. 

Impact HOF:

James Mitchell has been announced as the man to induct Abyss into their HOF


Chris Jericho's cruise will be streamed on Fite.

Celeb to make Impact:

David Arquette will wrestle on an upcoming Impact One Night Only PPV.

Indie star talks choosing ROH over Impact:

Jeff Cobb says...

"I had an Impact offer a couple of months ago. It just didn't really end up coming together, unfortunately. The New Japan thing definitely played a huge role in that. New Japan is something I really want to work with more, and ROH makes that possible. That was a tipping point for me."

Vince Russo talks making himself WCW champion:

"The week of the show in the creative meeting the decision was made. The people in the booking meeting all thought the same. The goal is to get as many eyeballs as possible on the show. Everybody on the creative side was looking at it as TV show rather than a wrestling show. I put the WWE title on McMahon, the WCW title on [Arquette, another WCW title on [Eric] Bischoff. Why? We are looking to create stories and not for the wrestling fan, for the casual wrestling fan."

Titus honoured:

Titus O'Neil has been named as one of 2018's top 100 ''Ebony'' Americans.


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