Sunday, October 7, 2018


WWE downsize:

WWE will not be in the same venue as the were in for GRR earlier this year. They have announced they will instead work a University stadium.

Relationship back on?

John Cena and Nikki Bella were spotted shopping together in Australaia over the weekend.

Stone Cold and Bob Holly recall two of the toughest:


"The one guy that nobody ever talks about that was physical, actually the two guys, one was Test and the other guy was Gene Snitsky, Gene Snitsky is like running into a brick wall. And when he hits you… I think with me, Gene thinks, 'do you know what? Bob, I can do whatever I want to him and he's going to be okay with it.' And I was, but goddamn, that son of a b---h, he tried to hurt me! And it was funny because he would laugh every time he'd do something to me. He would laugh. And I remember, one night in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, that bastard hit me so hard, and I picked up a chair, and I cracked him with the chair, Steve. I laced him wide. I mean, I ripped him wide open with the chair. It looked like a pig was slaughtered in that ring, which he was fine with it because we were both laughing about it when, of course, I made sure he was alright. But Gene was somebody, Snitsky, I enjoyed working with him, but gosh dang, he was rough. I mean, he really was. And Test was rough too."


"One time, they put me in the ring, it was gauntlet match, I had to go through, I don't know, three or four different guys. It was at a period of time of my career when I was pretty burned out. And all-of-a-sudden I see I was working with Test and Test is no longer with us. I wish he was, but anyway, it was a television taping, Monday Night RAW or something like that, and Test was fairly green. He was a big, tall, strong son of a b---h. He was strong and he was a big dude and he was strong. And all-of-a-sudden, he goes to send me into the ropes. And, dude, when I'm sending somebody into the ropes, I'm going to send their ass into the ropes, but Jesus Christ, this guy acted like he was trying to start a lawnmower that had been sitting in the yard for 15 years! He damn near yanked my left arm out of the damn socket. I hit the damn turnbuckle and that son of a b---h came running in and prompt put a boot right in his damn chin, like holy f--k! I was like, 'dude, slow down!' He would send me into the ropes so hard. He was so green. I think he was excited because it was TV. I'm at burnout stage and Jesus Christ! f--king really?"

No more:

HHH says WWE will no longer have inter-gender matches...

"Women WWE Superstars don't need a man to make them successful in the ring. They don't need a man to step in the ring with them to make them have a spectacular match. ... They don't need a man in the ring with them, they need each other, they need the opportunity, they need the platform, and they need to be set free to do what they need to do. And when we do that, they rise to the occasion, they have stolen the show, they've been the main event, and they will have their PPV on October 28 from New York, the first all-female WWE PPV."


Big Show and Jeff Hardy will be back on TV next week after injuries.

Police called for wrestling spot:

Eric Bischoff says fans called cops for a famous spot on WCW TV...

"It is true. It was something that I didn't think about. It's not like I was sleeping at the wheel or was too busy, but I never would have anticipated that you could do something on a wrestling show that was so believable where people sitting at home would call the cops in the local market, but that was exactly what happened …Sure enough, we had Orlando cops showing up on set because people called 911. They thought there was a murder going on backstage because they had never seen anything like it. It was so believable, it just didn't look like a pro wrestling angle. It was everything. You didn't see ambulances, or anything remotely close to this scene before. You may have kind of in a way similar but not executed like this or produced as well. The thing that made it was when took off Rey's mask, because in a real situation, if his skull was cracked they wouldn't be able to treat it with a mask on. It was the little details that made it believable. There were a lot of little details that made it work, but I think the one big detail was when Chris Benoit, Arn Anderson, I mean, Miss Elizabeth crying. Everybody broke character and they were so into the moment and made it believable. They didn't have some 22 year old j---off writing a script who has never been laid or been in a fight and is now suddenly in charge of a wrestling show, which is the case nowadays, you know. They knew what the scene was going to be and what the message was and what we were trying to create, but they had to improv it. They relied on their talent and instincts to make it believable. They made it so believable that it allowed them to get into the character. They literally became actors and actresses in this scene, like legitimately good ones across the board."

WWE / Impact:

Homicide is teasing something good is coming from the meeting between WWE and Impact recently...

"The big time is going to come and I was telling my crew 'We need the magic filling.' Even though I am a professional worker, I am still that fan and I love magic. It's like ... You never know what's gonna happen until it happens. It's something that's gonna come and you're going to enjoy it."

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