Saturday, October 13, 2018


Eddie featured:

WWE will tell the Untold story of Eddie Guerrero on their YouTube channel this Sunday.

Crown Jewel:

WWE are continuing to go ahead with plans for their Saudi Arabia trip despite mounting pressure for them to scrap plans. This now includes a fan revolt. An online campaign, supported by old girl Gail Kim, has sprung up in the wake of the political pressure of yesterday, threatening to boycott the company's Network, live events, PPV's and TV shows if they go ahead with the trip to the controversial country. Kane has expressed his wish to go forward with the visit. He offered his thoughts and prayers to the family of the missing journalist, but says he hopes he can wrestle at Crown Jewel.


Nia Jax is back on the road after an injury.

HOF'er dropped:

Edge has apparently been pulled from SD 1000. He has been removed from the show list, but no reason has been made public as yet.

Sid recalls Kliq vs DOA backstage fight:

"It was Madison Square Garden. And I swear this is what happened because Ron told me this word for word, and Don was there too. What happened was, and people don't realise this, this is no exaggeration. These guys including me weren't getting paid for weeks and weeks upon time. Lot of us, not everyone, some of us had money saved up so that we could make it on the road, and we did get paid, it just took a while to get paid. So what the guys would do is, they would take their draws, get to their home and put it in their debit or credit card account, and that would help them pay bills and get back on the road the next time. So what happened was, and they weren't the only ones that did it. Several people had to quit because they just couldn't afford to go on the road. So Shawn, who like me was getting paid well while those guys weren't, called them 'pu**ies' or quitters… he said something to them. And then Ron grabbed him by the throat and knocked him up against the wall, or something like that. I remember that happened because it really bothered Kevin. Kevin was going to beat Don up, which would have never happened. Don would have killed him. I think it was Ron who did that."

Taker says he could have wrestled longer if:

"I learned really late.I started leasing a tour bus, which I wish I had done a lot sooner. I mean, it's a big expense, but I think it would've prolonged my ability to work a fuller schedule just because most people don't realize that day after day after day, you get out of an arena at 12, 12:30 at night sometimes. And you've got to put in 2, 3 hours, 100 miles to go to the next town. So at 3 o'clock in the morning, 4 in the morning, you're pulling up to a hotel. And there were several occasions, especially near the end when I was working all the time, you'd park, and then you'd sit there, and you'd think, 'okay, let me get this leg out first' because your body is just stiff. There's nowhere to stop because everything is closed, so you get a convenience store meal, whatever that means. And then, you've pretty much sat in this position for four hours. And then, you have to get up, check in to your hotel, go to sleep. Now if you want to get up in the morning and workout or do whatever you have to do, then you've got to make time for that. You've got to make time to eat. You've got to get to the arena at a certain time. It's a lot more than what most people think."

WWE star calls out BC member:

Seth Rollins wants Kenny Omega...

"I would like to face Kenny Omega. I am the best wrestler in the world, and would like to prove that."

Omega responded...

''An exciting proposal...Now if only there were an appropriate venue for such a historic clash.''

NJPW retirement:

Tetsuhiro Yagi has retired for personal reasons.

LIJ do it again:

Los Ingernobles again dined and dashed leaving a Japanese publication with the bill for their meal, this week. They promised an exclusive for the paper, revealing a new member to get them to the restaurant, and ordered food while they waited for the new member to arrive. After the members had finished their meal they told the reporter to close his eyes while they went to get the new member of their group, but instead left the building.

DDP reveals why David Arquette is back in the ring:

"He wanted to at least get some kind of respect back and I said, 'Dude, go pay your dues. I gave him some insight of where to go, I said, 'You gotta put the work in. You want to get respect from our fans? You gotta go put the work in.' This isn't going to be his life work. He isn't trying to get to the WWE. He's just trying to get out there, work, have some fun, and get some respect from the fans. And it has been working."

Mickie James:

Mickie James won a native American music award last night.

Kurt Angle shares craziest road story:

"When he and I wrestled on a plane during an international flight. I didn't want to do it, but Vince was in a crazy mood. So we'd wrestle for a while and stop. Then Vince would attack me again. Then he'd stop. Over and over. I just wanted to sleep. The flight attendant told us to stop, but Vince wanted to wrestle, so we wrestled for four hours. Lol."

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