Thursday, October 4, 2018


ROH boss talks MSG show:

"Yeah, again, we apply a lot of disciplines to our decision making, and we'll take a look at that. We'll take a look at that outcome. The partnership with New Japan would lend that to other arenas. We need to get through this one first, and then we can have those conversations. But those conversations, you know the Madison Square Garden conversation really started internally when WrestleMania was announced to be in the New York area. And that's kind of what precipitates the building or the venue that you would need to have a show that weekend. Obviously it's a fantastic place to have a show, because not only are there so many wrestling fans who love to come to New York, but the metropolitan area, within three hours each way—north, east, south, west—you have probably, what, 30 to 40% of the population of the United States? It's a pretty big place to draw from. And I think that was the challenge. I'm not in [WWE's] minds, I don't know how that planning goes, and maybe they thought that, well, if we go to New York, where are these other promotions going to play? Because they probably don't like everybody [and I put this in air quotes] 'living off' their back, and I don't think that's the case at all. Their shows stand on their own, they sell out on their own, why shouldn't the fans who come for that weekend have an ability and availability to see other promotions that they may not get a chance to see? It works for everyone. That weekend is a fan's weekend. We can call it what we want, we can label it what we want, people can say what they want, but it's really one of the great weekends that belong to the fans in wrestling. The wrestling community—and I'm going to use that word because I just value it so dearly—when you're a wrestling fan, and you're at a match, you're with people who are also wrestling fans, and are comfortable in their skin being a wrestling fan. There's not a lot [of places] outside of the wrestling matches or on the internet or in the 'sheets' where you can be so overtly a wrestling fan, and not be kind of looked at a little, you know, crazily. And to be able to come to a weekend like that, regardless if it's New York or New Orleans or Orlando, or wherever it's going to get done, that's an opportunity for a fan to be a fan and not to have to hide their fandom. That's the wrestling community. It's been created, it's been grown, every organization should take a little bit of credit for that—one organization likes to take all the credit for that (and maybe it's duly deserved, and I really say that in respect of them)—but we're starting to see that they're not the only promotion. And since Ring of Honor has really been active in the business, which is really because of our television and our distribution and our company and just the way we have done our business, I think we've made wrestling a better business because of our presence. We see that with talent, with our talent that currently wrestles with us, talent that has left us to go wrestle with other promotions. The business is good and I think the business is good partially because of us. And I'm proud of that."

WWE merch:

WWE have released a new line of glow in the dark tees. Braun Strowman has the honour of being featured first.

Young Bucks recall WWE incident:


"I'll say it right now, being back there at that stage in our career, it's like walking on eggshells, you don't know who to say 'hi' to. You don't know if you're disrespecting anyone, so we were just trying to be out of the way and with us trying to be out of the way, we ended up not being out of the way because I was the one who was accidentally leaning on Booker's jacket, but I had no clue that I was. And when Booker came up to me, I was so intimidated and scared to death! I was like, 'oh no! What did I do?'"


"We had just left our position at Impact Wrestling and we were kind of just, if anything, going for a tryout with the WWE to create a bit of a buzz. I think at that point, we had already known that we were going to sign a contract with Ring Of Honor, so we were kind of just going to say 'hello' and maybe get the internet talking like, 'hey, these kids are backstage at WWE. Are they going to go there now?' So we really didn't want to make a big stink out of it, and then, it ended up becoming the biggest story online. And do you know what, Booker? In a way, like, I have to credit you for doing that for us because I look back on it now, and, I think, honestly, our first big break because it was the first time that everybody was talking about us. And, now, everybody knew our names and instead of, like, shying away from it, or, like, defend ourselves and basically tell everyone, 'no, we were just shy kids, we were embarrassed, and blah, blah, blah,' we decided, 'hey, let's make this our characters and let's do this on social media, and put it online,' honestly, it's what got us over, "so Booker helped get us over to the point where people knew who we were!"

Flair struggling:

Charlotte says her dad, Ric, struggles with being retired...

"It wasn't that I got to know him more, it was understanding his decisions more. When he retired in '08, he really had a hard time, which I'm pretty sure is public knowledge. And I couldn't understand why he just couldn't go out on a high note. You retire with Shawn Michaels, you have the biggest retirement ever; I mean the weekend just seemed to be so magical, being in Orlando. And it was hard after that. I couldn't understand, like, 'Dad, why are you having such a hard time? Live your life. You had an amazing career.' But now being a part of this business, and understanding there is nothing like being in the ring. There's nothing like being the main event, or feeling the crowd or the rush, or getting ready backstage and the camaraderie. Yes, the travel is hard, and you're away from your families, but there is nothing like what we do I think anywhere else. And he did this his whole life. I've only done it a couple of years. So now I understand his choices and decisions, and why he couldn't walk away, and why he still is who he is."

SD 1000:

WWE are hoping to get Rock to appear at SmackDown 1000 later this month.

NXT going global:

WWE are ready to pull the starting gun on NXT going global. Plans for international expansions of the brand, regional / national championships and a PC training gym in each country they expand into are at an advanced stage, led by Triple H.


WWE announcer Charley Caruso has signed on to host ESPN's social media shows. She will still work with WWE as well.

Wrestling movie:

David Arquette's return to wrestling is being filmed to be turned into a movie. He expects it to be released early in the new year.


Jerry Lawler was spotted at a recent Donald Trump rally in his home state.

Heat on WWE doc:

Dr Chris Amman is getting heat online for the Liv Morgan injury. He has been criticised for his slowness to react in getting to the ring, and for allowing her to get back in the ring after checking her at ringside, during which time she further rung her own bell.

She is now cleared to return.

Jake going to jail:

Jake The Snake is going to jail this week. He will deliver a talk about his struggles with addiction to inmates.

Alum wants Paige fired:

Sid says WWE should fire Paige over her leaked sex tape. He also mentioned Charlotte in the same breath, after she also had nude pictures stolen via a hack.

"They're putting them out there… I don't know. Just don't take a picture like that… Let them do dark matches or something, but don't make them the GM of your show."

He did not mention Xavier Woods, who featured in the tapes with Paige.

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