Monday, October 8, 2018


Guerrero open to return:

Shaul Guerrero says she would consider coming back to WWE...

"If the opportunity to work along side my husband ever comes up I would jump on it in a heartbeat. No questions asked. He is my 'familia' and as a Guerrero you don't screw with our family."

Champ unhappy:

Chris Sabin says he does not have fond memories of his time as Impact World champion...

"Overall, I think it was pretty disappointing. I don't think I was ready for it. I was injured for about two years straight with knee surgeries back to back, first the right knee, then left. I was back for only two months after being out for two years and not only that, I was a tag team wrestler for several years before that. I definitely wanted it to happen, but looking back on it, I know inside that I wasn't ready. I was still discovering myself. There was new management. Everything about TNA was different compared to the two years before that. Plus, it only lasted three weeks, as well, but I'm so grateful it happened. It was a cool experience ... The moment of the one-two-three and the crowd went crazy is a memory that I will have forever. And, just to be able to say that I won the World Heavyweight Title is really cool, but I know I can do better. That is why it is disappointing. I know I can do better. So, I hope I have another chance in the future."

Chris Jericho:

Y2J made a surprise appearance or NJPW last night.

James Ellsworth talks career highlight:

"Absolutely. Right after the match, Arn Anderson, who was the agent for the match, told me Vince was looking for me. I said, "Oh really? Why would he be looking for me? What did I do wrong?" I found Vince and he was coming down the stairs there outside of Gorilla looking for me and I found him. He said, "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you did a very good job. I was very pleased with that. Thank you!" I was like, "Huh?" Jericho called me that night, and I told him about that and he told me the same thing, and told me the same thing on his podcast as well. It just doesn't happen a lot. To me it was out of nowhere. I didn't expect it and very, very cool. I'll never forget that moment, for sure."

Raw tease:

  • The Undertaker and Kane demolish Triple H and Shawn Michaels after WWE Super Show-Down main event
  • Rousey and The Bella Twins quiet The Riott Squad
  • The Shield hold strong against Braun Strowman's "pack"
  •  Cena & Lashley forge powerful alliance Down Under

Trish Stratus will be on the show too.


WWE have named the greatest stars in the history of SmackDown...

  • 15. Michelle McCool
  • 14. JBL
  • 13. John Cena
  • 12. Randy Orton
  • 11. Becky Lynch
  • 10. Rey Mysterio
  • 9. The New Day
  • 8. The Usos
  • 7. Kurt Angle
  • 6. Batista
  • 5. Eddie Guerrero
  • 4. Edge
  • 3. AJ Styles
  • 2. The Undertaker
  • 1. The Rock

Dolph unhappy with WWE angle:

Talking about vacating US title and walking away last summer...
"Hang on a second, all the time I took off... you know I was gone for three Mondays, right? Just three weeks. You know that's not a lot of time off, right? So, when I begged to go away for a long time, I wanted something special to happen. I wanted to go away, work on myself, make myself stronger, make my character better. Using that entire process. And when I was inserted into the United States title match, I said, 'What can I do, to make this match be more prestigious? How can I steal this title away from those two other Superstars?' And when I found a way, the reaction was there, but it wasn't quite what I wanted. I thought to myself as I got close to the ring, 'Walk away and don't say a word. That will get everybody talking. That will be similar to going away for three months, going away for six months. Going away for a year or two. As much as I can, without giving up and breaching my contract.' So I did what I could, and I slammed that title down and I walked out. And that was the most anyone talked about me in seven years, and I really wanted to capitalize on it. I felt special about it. We went in a different direction, but sometimes you do everything you can within your power, and I without a doubt have always done everything in my power to make the titles mean something, make those memorable moments mean something, and have my career be the best it can be. So, some things are out of my hand. I don't own the company. But I wanted that to be special, and it was. It just could have been hell of a lot more special."

Paige talks retirement speech:

"At WrestleMania Vince McMahon said that I am doing something big tomorrow so please rest my voice. I told Vince that I debuted in New Orleans, so I would love to retire at WrestleMania in New Orleans, just full circle. They listened which I was really happy about. Not a lot of women get to do their retirement speech in the ring, and now WWE is throwing women completely into the spotlight which I love. So, for them to give me that opportunity in the ring, how great was that? I told them that this was it, I was done. And I remember walking to the back and Edge telling me that I was going to feel really sad beforehand, but there is going to be so much off of your shoulders afterwards. And I literally walked back through the curtain and I felt this rush of relief like, okay, I did it. Now what? I felt really good about it."

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