Sunday, October 28, 2018



Neville has accepted his first UK booking since leaving WWE. He will wrestle in Yeovil on November 18.

Impact debut:

Chelsea Green, formerly Laurel Van Ness, debuted for NXT last night.

Angle misses attitude:

"Truthfully, there is not a lot I'd like to change (In WWE). It's doing pretty damn good right now. I do miss the adult humor we had 15-20 years ago, but that is long gone, and for good reason. More children watch than ever before."

AA hurt:

Austin Aries had been working with a concussion, apparently without telling the Impact office.

Hulk Hogan admits bad behaviour to stay on top:

"Once I got in the spot, to keep the spot, that's where the politics came in. Everybody goes, `Well, Hulk Hogan was a politician.' Well, thank God I was. That's why I made more money than anybody, that's why I kept the belt longer, that's why instead of a five or six or ten year run like The Rock or Stone Cold or different wrestlers, I had a 35 year run on top."

Top indie star injured:

Dalton Castle has wrestled for two years with a broken back, he says...

"Life is pretty boring because I am injured. I got hurt, and here is the truth of the injury--I broke my back. We have decided, several doctors thought that it was about two years ago that I had broken it. So, I have won a world championship with a broken freakin' back."

ROH losing top star:

Cody Rhodes will work his last ROH date on the Chris Jericho cruise. Still no word on his plans for 2019, but he, the Young Bucks and Hangman Page are all adamant on staying together as a unit, wherever they go.

Alum praises wrestling world:

Tazz says of the Roman Reigns news...

"It's really cool to see the wrestling community come together. No matter if you're a fan of Roman Reigns or not, that you came together and supported him, and you felt horrible for the man and you know he's gotta fight on his hands. And he's gonna dominate, and he's gonna win the fight. So, pray for that man and his family."

Even more Stratusfaction:

Even before wrestling this weekend, Trish Stratus has already set her sights on a potential next match, versus Sasha Banks. She says fans constantly ask her to do the match, ever since the Rumble this year.

Y2J cruise:

Chris Jericho's first Rock 'n' Wrestling cruise has taken to the seas. Rey Mysterio is aboard, despite efforts from WWE to keep him on dry dock.

Controversial sell out:

Crown Jewel has sold all of it's tickets.

Alum blast Alum:

Sid took aim at CM Punk's UFC career, just a day after the 400+ day World champ turned 40...

"I actually followed it. I followed UFC. I didn't understand it really. He was getting a little bit better. You understand why he wanted to be a fighter. He was so bad. There's a lot of guys in the locker room in the last couple months since the UFC has taken off, that some of the boys are doing that on the side, they did that before UFC or they have a fight coming up. Those guys aren't doing that. They're making it up.''

Paige recalls early incident in WWE:

"I had to do this bikini contest in FCW and I kind of put my foot down, like, 'no, I'm here to wrestle. That's what I want to do. I'm not here to flash my body around. I'm not here to not be wearing wrestling boots.' So yeah, like, a lot of the girls saw that and it was really cool, they kind of got a thirst for it too, like, 'actually, this is a big adrenaline rush, to know how to wrestle.'"

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