Friday, October 26, 2018


Impact / ROH:

Scott D'Amore has discussed the relationship between Impact and Ring Of Honor...

"I would say that it is cordial. I would say that Joe Koff and Gregory Gilleland and everyone there, there has been no time that we have reached out to them and they haven't been responsive. We certainly have been responsive with them as well. We are not working together but like I said, they were a big part of the "All In" broadcast so we certainly wanted to be part of that. We are honored to be part of that and it was great. I would say that we are not partners, we are not working together, but we are not enemies, which I think is a big step. There was so much bad blood which was justified. Over the course of those years TNA had done some not so nice things to Ring of Honor so hearing their position now and doing tremendous business now, why would you, in any way, shape or form want to talk to or acknowledge Impact Wrestling? I think it is great from when we first talked about the new structure that we are going to have here with Ed,  Sonjay and Don we have always been in communication with Ring of Honor. There is no reason that just because you are competitors doesn't mean you wish ill on each other. There is no reason why you would want to have any bad communication. Good communication is important, even as competitors. You look at it, you look at the "All In" broadcast, you look at Chris Sabin being here and the Chris Jericho Cruise, which has Ring of Honor vs. Impact Wrestling, which is super cool. It is a nice way to do it. It is not being broadcast, it is just for people on the ship, and it's a cool event for Chris Jericho. Our talent and the Ring of Honor crew are both really excited because there are some fresh matchups there. Where will it go? I don't know, but I think it is great that we are at a point where if we reach out to Joe Koff, or Hunter Johnston, or anybody else where they are going to be responsive. They may not want to do something that we are wanting to do, but at least there is communication which I think is a great start for any relationship and re-establishing respect from the parties, which I think is a huge step."

Natalya recalls her dads last WWE gig:

"For me, I really had felt strongly about bringing my dad to WrestleMania last year. We weren't going to do it, but then a week before WrestleMania I called my mom and told her that you guys are going to come down to WrestleMania and I want Daddy there. And it was a very last minute decision to bring my dad to WrestleMania, which I am glad that I did because a lot of people got to see him and say hi to him and take pictures with him. My dad got to feel very important, but I can also see that there was struggle there with him. Like, at the Hall of Fame ceremony he couldn't stay for the whole thing. We were boarding the busses, and it overwhelming for him. There were moments where he was super clear and there were moments where he was like, super quiet and vacant. I was super protective of my dad, which I still am. I had told Jericho that he wasn't going to do any other interviews except for his podcast because I know he will do him justice. I knew he would feel comfortable and safe and would feel safe for him to do it. It was the last interview my dad ever did.''

Brother Love pops for Alum:

On Vickie Guerrero...

"Seeing Vickie backstage doing some different things when we used to use Vickie with the kids during segments with Eddie Guerrero and Eddie would come back afterwards and he would be disappointed that something didn't go right. Eddie would then go off on Vickie, and then you would see Eddie go off on Vickie and the way Vickie would fire back at Eddie and how he would backpedal. I remember Vince McMahon and I sitting in Gorilla watching this one time going, wow, that is interesting, but never in a million years at that point did we think that we had something in Vickie Guerrero. But it was interesting how she held her ground with Eddie so we knew there was something in her, but God, she was a natural heel, she was great."

He also talked about Vince's admiration for an old boy...

"Vince liked Carlito. Vince was a big fan of his going all the way back… he loved his gimmick. It was one of his gimmicks that he helped come up with, the whole "Carlito Cool man, you're not cool", and spitting the apples. He loved the gimmick. And he liked Carlito, being a second generation wrestler. So it was somebody overall that he really liked. He enjoyed working with him."


Undertaker has been getting electrolysis treatment on his knees for the past 7 months, to battle chronic knee pain.

Alum to MMA:

Alberto Del Rio says his plan to return to MMA is not a publicity stunt...

I'm doing this for the right reasons, to prove something to myself. To prove me that I'm back, to prove that I still have it. To prove to my children that dad is a f**king superhero."

David Arquette calls out HOF'er and Alum:

David Arquette says Bubba Ray Dudley and James Ellsworth are bullying him over his ring return...

"If somebody wants to fight we can fight, but we're not gonna call it a wrestling match. I really dislike bullies, and there are a lot of bullies in wrestling. Bully Ray is someone who isn't happy about the return to pro wrestling. I think Bully Ray, Bubba Ray, isn't too thrilled. I called in to his podcast just because they put the number up on Twitter and I couldn't sleep and it was early in the morning. So I called in to his podcast and we has a little contentious podcast moment."

Fox want UFC star:

Officials from Fox are pushing WWE to hire UFC star Daniel Cormier for their announce team of SmackDown.

Raw teaser:

  • Big man fall hard: can Braun Strowman afford to fight a war on two fronts?
  • You know who I am: will Elias overreact to Apollo Crews taking his spotlight?
  • As goes Dean Ambrose...: is anyone's guess what this week will bring
  • Lashing out: will Finn Balor see how hard Bobby Lashley falls this week?
  • Do something Bellas?: can The Bella Twins keep RAW Women's Champion Ronda Rousey off their tails for one more week?

Roman misses shows:

Roman Reigns no-showed this weekends lives.

TNA on Rock show:

Robbie E. will be a contestant on The Rock's 'Titan Games.'

Foley wants change:

Mick Foley has shared what he dislikes about modern wrestling...

"I think the perception that a match can only be great if it has spectacular moves or multiple false finishes. I think there's more than one way to have a great match. I think Superstars are pigeon-holed into delivering what fans have come to expect of what a great match should be. So, I think it's just a matter of conditioning people and having guys out there willing to take chances."


Natalya, Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Riott Squad has been added to the first all women's PPV card.


Sting says only one match will bring him out of retirement...

"I would only consider against one opponent, and that would be Undertaker, and that's it. Anyone else, at this point, why? But, I have always loved the idea of the Sting-Taker thing. So many ideas in my head, you know, how to make it just a night that people would never forget."

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