Sunday, October 21, 2018


TV made friends:

Kenny Omega says the show 'Trollhunters' helped them bond...

"I watched it on a whim. Just thinking that everything that's CG animated from either DreamWorks or Pixar is just so good all the time. And I saw that DreamWorks had done Trollhunters, and I thought, 'This being a series, wow! This is going to be longer than a one-and-a-half hour jog, so I'm going to give this a shot'. I think we had like three seasons of it. It's just so good for me, and again character development, and the way it's animated, I love it. And Cody loves it too. So it allowed us to close the gap between one another. We became closer because of that. And for our love for animals, dogs especially."

Joe Hendry talks booking his own dream match:

"When I wrestled Kurt Angle, I had a really active part in setting that up. It's probably the ballsiest thing I've ever done in wrestling, it was basically the path I took to get that match. The crazy thing with what happened with Kurt was, somebody asked me, 'What's your dream match?' And I thought, 'Why not?' I just tagged Kurt, didn't think anything of it and I get a DM. It was like, 'Gee, this is really happening!' And it was early on. It's one of those things that you put out to the universe and sometimes these things just happen. And he says to me, 'I've heard of you, I know you're working hard but you're not ready.' He's like, 'Keep working hard. Maybe one day you'll get the match.' So basically I'm working hard, and I now join this company, they're called What Culture. They now run as Defiant, but basically they tried to book Kurt, and they couldn't get him. And I was like, 'You know what? Let me just send a little message'. And I was like, 'Okay, I've been working hard, I've got a financier. Are you interested?' And he's like, 'Right, here's what we need'. So I went back to them and I said, 'Alright, you wanted to get Kurt Angle didn't you?' And they were like, 'Yeah'. And I was like, 'What did he say?' And they said, 'No, couldn't get him'. And I was like, 'I can get him. But if we bring him in, I have to wrestle him. If you give me your word on that, we'll see what happens'. And that's how it happened, and that match changed my career. Kurt when he came in, all he was concerned about… he was so selfless. He was like, 'What do we need to do to elevate you to the next level? How are we going to do this to make sure that you have momentum going forward? That we can boost your career'. And when I got in the ring with Kurt, I realized… you know when CM Punk talked about that thing, where he thought he was good until he wrestled Eddie Guerrero? When I wrestled Kurt, I was like, 'Oh okay. This is what intensity is. This is where I need to be'. And I knew immediately what I needed to work on, and that really changed my life."

John Cena:

John Cena has confirmed he will be at WrestleMania 35.

Tazz says WWE debut killed him:

"When I debuted and that popped happened, and all that jazz, and I talk about this on my show many times, when I was walking down the aisle and I had that black towel on my head in the Garden, it was an amazing feeling. But before I even got to the ring, I knew I was screwed. I knew that I was in trouble. Because I heard the pop, I've been in the business long enough, I knew the business and I knew that the pop was not made or built by the WWE. That was made from myself and the guys that I was fortunate enough to put me over by ECW. That pop? That's what that pop was. It was not them from advertising a tribal 13 logo, which was cool because people didn't know it was me coming. That pop was because of the fortunate history that I have had, in the tri-state area especially. Being a New York guy that was also from ECW. I knew that I was doomed because that's how WWE was back then, it's a lot different now. Today, if I debuted like that, I'd be getting pushed to the moon."

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