Monday, October 29, 2018


Hawkins moves backstage:

Curt Hawkins says he has been working as a producer while he waits surgery on an injury...

"I got a hernia, I'm pretty sure picking up Broski and slamming him on a live event. I'm hoping to be cleared very, very soon. It's a minor surgery but still a surgery, so big deal and stuff. So I'm hoping to be cleared this week."

Difficult trip:

Stephanie McMahon says WWE have struggled with the decision over Crown Jewel...

"Moving forward with Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia was an incredibly tough decision, given that heinous act. But, at the end of the day, it is a business decision and, like a lot of other American companies, we decided that we're going to move forward with the event and deliver Crown Jewel for all of our fans in Saudi Arabia and around the world."

Heat on champ:

Becky Lynch has been getting heat on social media for tagging a picture of an iconic feminist American statue with the hashtag ''I'm The Man.''


Tyler Bate has pulled out of his UK dates this week with an injury.

Vanessa Kraven of the MYC suffered a severe leg injury on the indies this past weekend.

Alexa reveals she did not enjoy big angle this year:

Referring to her Mania feud with Nia Jax...

"One storyline that I didn't feel comfortable was the one with Nia Jax. There was certain things, even though I was the one doing the bullying and body shaming and stuff like that, we wanted the story to be real so we had to have real situations. There were some things I just didn't feel comfortable saying. It was obviously things that Nia provided where she would tell me to say certain things about her to pull real emotions but I just didn't feel comfortable saying any of that stuff at all, but it was fine so we didn't do it, which is what is great about our company too because nothing it set in stone. If you don't feel comfortable doing something there are other options. It is a creative process, which is what is so great about our writing team and our producers that help us feel comfortable in every situation that we are in."

New belts:

Stephanie McMahon says the Women's Tag Team Championship is closer than we think. She also said her goal for Evolution is...

"I hope the legacy of Evolution will be that it's not so groundbreaking or Earth shattering to have an all-women's event. I hope to see our women main event WrestleMania. Every match at WrestleMania is a main event, but I want to see them close the show. The way they have successfully in so many other shows. We want true gender parity and equality on the WWE roster and I'm just so anxious to get there, but today is hugely important step in that mission."

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