Wednesday, October 17, 2018


New champs:

The Bar took the blue Tag gold from New Day, with help from Big Show, on SD 1000 last night.


Rey Mysterio has earned a shot at the US title at Starrcade.


Justin Gabriel and Colin Delaney have signed for the ROH World title tournament.

WWE in surgery:

Kevin Owens has had double knee surgery.


Molly Holly and Ivory are confirmed to be at Evolution.


WWE have launched their UK brand today. However, in a quite staggering own goal, HHH has, on the day of the launch, taken a strange swipe at the biggest show they ever held over here, and threw ice water on any hopes the UK show might lead to another big event here in the future...

"The time zones are the big kicker - we have to go where the most people can watch. I always hear about Wembley, I always hear it was such a massive success: It was not. From a business standpoint, it was not. That's why we didn't come back and that's why we're still trying to figure it out."

Fan revolt:

WWE fans booed all mentions of Saudi Arabia on SD 1K last night. Randy Orton has come out to defend the trip, however...

"I think we should go. I think the only way to help with change over there is to go and not cancel the trip. Our girls performed in Abu Dhabi not too long ago and I think we'll be there eventually with Saudi and Crown Jewel. That's the goal, to make things better everywhere, and I think us not going, doesn't help. Going helps."

Kevin Nash also backed the trip, saying WWE is a business meeting a contractual booking, not an international political movement.

Alum snubbed:

Chris Jericho says he was not invited to SmackDown 1000.

F***ed up family angles:

Shane McMahon has revealed two shocking angles creative had planned for him, both ideas of his dad. The first he turned down on the spot. They wanted him to slap his mother's face. The other was so controversial Brother Love refused to take the angle to him. During Stephanie McMahon's first pregnancy, Vince wanted to do angle suggesting Shane was the baby's daddy.

Cena makes the list:

John Cena is on the NY best selling books list, in the children's category.

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