Thursday, May 31, 2018


The future's bright:

A movie maker that had to fight hard to get Batista's signature for his new project has discussed why the WWE Alum is the new darling of the action movie world...

"Dave has quickly become a very appealing as action star; he's huge, muscled, and can easily sell the action. But he has delivered in comedy with the Marvel films, and showed the emotional range in Blade Runner. He's a well rounded actor and we need that because the heart is key and he has that soulful quality. And the U.S. distributors love him."

Bryan reveals heat with Titus over GRR:

"I was in the ring - and keep in mind I had been in the ring for a long time - I didn't know anything had happened. Titus slides into the ring and punches me in the face, like really hard. He's got these big, huge hands and he's like 'boom!' I'm like, 'Woah! What happened?' I was enraged and I was gonna go kick him in the face. And then I glance up, and you see the tron, and they played it like 12 times in a row of him tripping, falling, and sliding into the ring. I was just like, 'You know what? I understand. I'm gonna go over here. I'm going to leave him be.'"

Hart honoured:

Bret Hart will be honoured with an honourary degree by Calgary University this week.

Dead man joins the modern world:

The Undertaker has launched an Instagram account.

WWE sign indie:

Deonna Purrazzo has reportedly signed on with WWE.

Venue leaks main:

Extreme Rules will be main evented by Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley vs. Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Jinder Mahal, according to the host venue.

Alum back:

Adam Rose says he has had to back-track on his retirement...

"Money. I needed a job, that type of thing. I was all like 'I'm going to retire, I'm done' and then when I had no money I realized no, I'm not retiring. I need to wrestle some more."


Vic Joseph will work the NBA final.

Back on:

John Cena and Nikki Bella are back together, so says US magazine.

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