Thursday, May 3, 2018


New stars:

Kona Reeves and Raul Mendoza have joined NXT's roster.

Alum returning:

Summer Rae will wrestle for the first time in over two years on a trip to Australia this month.

Back XFL to get Mania:

Vince McMahon's people have advised Orlando to form a team for the returning XFL in 2020. It was not expressed, but strongly implied that it would be taken into consideration if they want to bring Mania back to the city. They do want Mania back.

WCW show returns:

WWE are looking at bringing back Great American Bash. They have re-filed their TM for the name.


Batista has landed a role in 'Stuber'.

HH joins HHH:

Hulk Hogan has followed Triple H into the BGCA HOF.

HOF'er backs modern style:

Ricky Steamboat has addressed the criticism of modern wrestling's over use of the finisher. With the likes of Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns performing what is supposed to be their go home move multiple times in matches without getting the win after, it has been asked what the point of having a finisher is anymore when it does not do what it says on the tin. Also it has been suggested that it waters down the effectiveness and Impact of the move (F5, Spear, Super punch) if they never get the desired result after hitting it, or having to do it 5-8 times first. The Dragon says he disagrees and wishes he could of used the modern mentality in his most famous match...

"If I was to add something to that match, it would have been this one moment to which I would have come off the top rope with my dive, which was my finish and I would have had a 1-2 count and Randy kick out just so the fans could have a little curve ball thrown in there, back then, you never really prostituted your finish, but I think it would have fit. It would've worked. You see it sometimes in the main events today, a guy's finish, especially with two top guys, and the other guy kick out only later on in the match to be caught in the finish again and for it to work."

Graves in serious (Job on the line) heat:

WWE are furious with Corey Graves for comments he made during and after returning from the GRR about WWE working in the KSA. He has reportedly been told that he is...

"More replaceable than he thinks he is."

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