Wednesday, May 9, 2018



Big Bully Nick Busick has died aged 63. He will be best remembered for his brief stint with WWE in the early 90's.


The Miz, Charlotte Flair and Rusev have qualified for their respective Money In The Bank matches.


Xavier Woods bit a hole in his tongue on WWE TV last night. Eden / Brandi Rhodes broke her clavicle on tour in Japan and needs surgery and Charlotte has burst a breast implant, she will have surgery after the Euro tour.

Where's Nikki?:

Nikki Bella is living with her sister and Daniel Bryan after splitting with John Cena.

Renee recalls that promo:

"That was such a pivotal moment for the show of course. That is what set the tone for what 'Talking Smack' could be, also kind of opening up that space for people and being able to turn it into whatever they needed to. That really breathed a new life into The Miz's career from that point. It did stem from obviously so much truth from The Miz - if he doesn't feel he is being used, or if he feels that he is not being used a certain way, he is very vocal about that, and if you give him a live show it's like, 'Here we go. We're going to do something, what are you going to do?' He was like, 'Alright, I'll be on there.' I wasn't sure where that was going to go," Young said. "I wasn't sure how to navigate it. Him and Daniel Bryan, when they were face to face and some of the stuff that they were saying to Bryan at the time was such a sensitive subject of Bryan being unable to wrestle, and seeing that look in Bryan's face when Miz was telling the truth about where he was currently at the time, it was like a real heartbreaking moment, and that was when I knew I had to get in because I realized that either somebody is going to cry or get a punch to the face. You've got to imagine at some point these two have to have something."

Death bed to wrestling ring:

Vader had another heart op this week, but says he has set his sights on returning to wrestling ASAP.

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