Friday, May 4, 2018



A recount of the ballot in Kane's mayoral election has increased his lead from 17 to 23 votes.

Ziggler headlines:

Dolph Ziggler topped the bill on his comedy tour this week.

WWE defend KSA deal:

"I think everyone is familiar with the fact that we have obviously been very vocal about our female performers and re-branding them as Superstars. We feel really good about our continued commitment on that front. There are many countries around the world where we perform and we're respectful to the cultures there but we certainly hope to be a part of the change moving forward."

Money over morals:

WWE were talking about ending their moral objection to bringing Hulk Hogan back to WWE at the request of the Saudi king for the GRR. It ended up not happening in time for that, but contract talks are now at an advanced stage, and his return is thought to be imminent.

WWE released a statement about the story...

"WWE applauds the work Hulk Hogan is doing with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to turn what was a negative into a positive by helping young people learn from his mistake. While he has taken many steps in the right direction since we parted ways, Hogan is not currently under contract to WWE."


The Rock and his co-stars in 'Jumanji' have been nominated for an MTV movie award.


Shawn Michaels, Greg Valentine and Harlem Heat have been honoured by the CAC.

WWE star awarded:

Zack Ryder has received a YouTube silver play button for his Long Island Iced Z YouTube show from back in 2011.

Nia Jax explains why she walked out:

Last October Nia Jax reportedly walked away from her WWE career due to backstage frustrations. She ultimately returned. She has now offered an explanation of what the real reason for her time away was...

''It wasn't something that was that big of a deal. I had actually had an injury that happened to me personally on a flight—an overhead bag fell directly on top of my head while I was on a plane. I was out of it, I was completely out of it. I'm not kidding you. It was just something where I had to go and make sure I was okay and rest up. It was right before a tour. All it was, was just like, 'Hey, you're not the storyline right now. Go take a break. Make sure you're okay, and then come back for tour.' That was it. That was the bottom line. That was the story."

Tampa bid:

Tampa are set to make bids for WrestleMania in 2023, 2024 and 2025.


Bayley vs Ruby Riott is the kick off match for Backlash.

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