Friday, May 18, 2018


Finn happy match was axed:

Finn Balor says he is glad Bray fell ill last year...

"I don't know. It'll always be that great unknown question. I think that it could have really went either way. What were we going to see with Sister Abigail, I don't even know what we were going to see but I think it worked out well for me in the end. Obviously Bray was struck down with illness, was it fate or not I don't know - maybe it was Sister Abigail that stuck him down. But obviously Bray had to step out, AJ (Styles) stepped in and I believe that was definitely a turning point in the year for me and helped me get a little bit of steam to where I am now. So, thank God we didn't see that Sister Abigail!"

Bryan torn:

Daniel Bryan is obviously thrilled to be back in the ring, but admits he is starting to miss his family life since returning to wrestling.

He has also recalled a meeting with Vince over hating being GM and wanting to get back in the ring...

"Then they brought me back as GM, and I still have to do a bunch of traveling with that. I have to sit around for a bunch of matches It hurt and it also was like, 'What am I doing?' This is the part of me where I'm like, 'What a sissy I am!' Lots of people go to their jobs that they don't like and make way less money than me being the GM of SmackDown, but I could not get out of this mental state where I hate being here," Bryan said. "I really disliked going to work every week, and there would be times where I would fly in and get the script to the show, I would try to get as many people as I could to get in the shoot so I can leave that night and just get out of there. That was when I really started to say that I wouldn't accept this anymore, I'm going to come back. I had a conversation with Vince McMahon. He was pushing the hard questions about what would happen if I would get another concussion? I had answers for him and laid it out. I would have different concussion protocols than everyone else, and one of my pitches to him is that this happens in every sport, when guys get a concussion and a trainer goes over to him and they are asked if they are okay, and the guy would say that he is fine. They would ask if he has a concussion, and the guy would say no, he's fine. Myself included would say that. So, stop that because that has been an issue with me before. In the past, when I would have a concussion I would just walk it off," Bryan said. "My proposal would be that after every match I have to go to the trainer's room and they have to do their checks, and if I don't do it maybe I get a fine, or something like that. After every match now I get checked. Not even thanking my opponents, after WrestleMania, I walked to Gorilla. No thank you's to anybody, just walked straight to the Doctor's and then I get checked. They do basic neurological stuff, and we are revising that as we go because it is new to them too."

Nikki reacts to fake split accusation:

"Sometimes people don't realize how you can affect them. It's kind of like when we try to talk to cyberbullies and tell them that you have no idea how you're affecting people. I'm a human being that literally went through a breakup. Everyone's been through a breakup and think of how we feel. So mine has just been blown up and people all of a sudden are saying that I'm faking it. You're now saying that my heartache is fake, and that makes it even harder. It's just like, what can I do right? That's just really, really tough."

Big day for Rock:

The Rock has signed his biggest movie deal for Disney's 'Jungle Cruise' which is expected to rival 'Pirates Of The Caribbean'. This came on the same day he signed for the 'Fast' spin-off 'Hobbs & Shaw'.


Fox, Facebook and Amazon are bidding for SmackDown, Fox would also want Raw, but a deal is all but done with USA for the red show.

WWE censor Rousey:

WWE had Ronda Rousey delete a video of her getting backstage training from Goldust before wrestling in Switzerland last night.

Indie team not signing for WWE:

Young Bucks have shot down approaches from AJ Styles to join him in WWE, because it would be dumb for them to make the move...

"If we left right now, it would be kind of dumb of us because they couldn't pay us what we're making right now, not with the schedule we're on too. There's no way. Of course they could afford the pay! Do you know what I mean? I just don't think they would! I'm so used to being in charge of everything.Our entire business, we run this thing together. Like, I'm on my phone all day. My wife's helping me do it too, but we do this independently, so it would be so hard for me to just give all that up, to go, 'here you go! Here are the keys to the car.'"


Magnus will be making his ROH debut, it has been confirmed.

RVD loses dogs:

RVD lost his dead dogs ashes to his wife as part of their divorce settlement.

Illness & Injury:

Ric Flair has suffered a ''Sudden illness'' and Randy Orton took the chance to have knee surgery on a muscle tear he suffered last year, whilst staying home from the Euro tour.

Old boy in attempted murder attack:

WWE old boy Tom Magee was beaten within an inch of his life by 6 men during an argument about a car parking spot outside of his home. Neighbours intervened in the sickening attack when they started using weapons and stomping on his head and chased them off, but not before Tom had suffered a broken jaw, broken eye socket and concussion. One neighbour said he had no doubt that they were trying to kill him. Police arrested two of the six, both aged 20, the other 4 remain at large.

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