Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Daniel Bryan:

WWE says Daniel Bryan is not cleared to wrestle due to a chest infection. He did work the dark segment of SD last night however, and is still booked to wrestle Cass on Sunday.


Kane won his election last night. He is now officially the Republican candidate for mayor. He has one more hurdle to clear before getting the job. He must now defeat a Democratic candidate in November. He won by just 17 votes out of the over 40,000 cast.

Saudi's rally round Daivari:

The Saudi's in the ring during Ariya Daivari's spot at GRR have defended him from death threats he has received since by reminding fans that wrestling is fictionalised and just entertainment.


Jason Jordan should be cleared to return this month. Alexa Bliss is back training after her boob job.

Indie to WWE:

Keith Lee has signed and will join the PC after working out his indie dates.


Chris Jericho has reportedly agreed to return to New Japan this summer.

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