Thursday, May 24, 2018


PPV changes confirmed:

WWE have confirmed the new timings of PPV events. The big 4 will have a 5 hour window with up to a two hour kick-off, the so called 'B' shows will have a three hour window with a one hour kick-off.

Young Bucks:

If WWE want Young Bucks they may get a play at the end of this year. The indie greats ROH and NJPW deals run out in 6 months.

Show fat feud:

Big Show has revealed Vince McMahon was hot with him for being heavier than Akebono at WrestleMania 21...

"I think my heaviest I was 537 lbs, when I did that match with Akebono, I think Akebono, for a shoot, weighed 488 and I weighed 509 because I remember Vince being pissed at me because Akebono was supposed to weigh more than me. And McMahon looks at me and goes, '509 lbs.?' He shook his head and walked off. I was like, 'I'm a quarter-ton of fun! What do you want me to say?'"

WWE on TV:

John Morrison will appear as a contestant on 'Survivor.' Zack Ryder will host a show about Funko toys on Netflix.


Demolition say they would want $100,000 to get them into the WWE HOF...

"If they asked us, what would we really do now?. It's been 20 years since we've been around the business and the guys make supposedly $5,000-$6,000 when they go to the Hall of Fame? You know it would take probably $100,000, at least, to bring us in for the Hall of Fame. I thought 'What a good number' because I'd give ten thousand to church, and I'd take another $10,000 of that $100,000 and give it to my son, he's a Deputy in the Sheriff's Department in the K-9 unit, and I'm thinking of all these charities I'd give to."

E! talk Cena / Nikki:

E! have confirmed John Cena and Nikki Bella are back together.


Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch will challenge Undisputed Era in Chicago, for their Tag gold.

Rousey on tour:

Ronda Rousey will be going on the post SummerSlam tour of Japan.

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