Wednesday, May 30, 2018



Seth Rollins says it is time for the Undertaker to retire from the ring. He is the first active WWE star to come out and say so in an out of gimmick interview. In his defense, from any possible heat, he was taking part in a 60 second quick fire question style interview, so did not have much time to think out his response.

Rousey on TV:

Ronda Rousey will appear on 'Shark Week' on July 22.


Samoa Joe qualified for MITB last night.

Signing confirmed:

Lo Shirai has confirmed her last booked date in Japan, before moving to WWE.

Impact star available:

Eli Drake is out of contract in a few days.

Punk / Colt vs WWE:

The court were played the podcast that caused the legal dispute between WWE's doctor and their former stars in full during yesterday's trial. Chris Amman also read out a number of Twitter comments he felt defamed him, and threatened his job, both with WWE and in the medical profession.

Punk back in wrestling this year:

Booker T says he believes, should CM Punk lose his next MMA fight, that CM Punk will return to wrestling at Cody Rhodes All In show in September.

Bischoff talks Montreal:

Eric Bischoff says he did not ask Bret Hart to bring the WWF title to WCW with him...

"There were probably two or three different conversations about that. The one conversation that I distinctly remember. I remember that I was in Wyoming. I remember it because my cell phone went off and I was in a cell area that was really sketchy, where I was around a post office in the middle of nowhere. I remember going inside the post office to use a pay phone, and I remember standing there thinking, why am I having this conversation again? It is not that important of a deal. I convinced Bret Hart one last time do not worry about the Championship belt. In my mind, I remember thinking this at the time, what I thought Bret Hart should do is given the fact that he is Bret Hart, and you know, Stu Hart and the Hart family legacy, the tradition of the business, what I wanted Bret to do is just pass the belt on. Do the right thing. Shake Vince McMahon's hand. Leave on good terms. The business; the audience would have had more respect for him than to hold on to the belt because he didn't want to lose in Montreal, Quebec Canada [Survivor Series 1997] because he is a Canadian. That, to me didn't make any sense. Worrying about it didn't make any sense to me because Bret Hart was coming to WCW. The fans were sophisticated enough to know that if he lost a match it wasn't going to diminish who Bret Hart was. That logic from talent never made any sense to me. That is when you get sucked in to the work where you work yourself. I tried to explain that to Bret Hart. It just didn't matter to me".

Trish talks Rumble:

"I got the word on Dec. 26 … I was eating a chocolate peanut butter ball. I was like, 'Oh my God!' I put the peanut butter ball down and said, 'OK, let me talk to my family.' I called a friend of mine in Toronto — whenever there's a TV show or production that needs a ring, he's the guy — and I said, 'Can we get a ring set up? I might have an opportunity, and before I say yes to them, I have to make sure I can still do this.' Wrestling is like riding a bike, it really came quicker than I thought. My body definitely knows what to do. Was I little sore? Yes, absolutely. My body was like, 'Why did you just throw yourself down from five feet up?' My body was reminding me that's not normal."

Indie star ready for WWE:

Keith Lee has worked out his indie dates and will soon move to the WWE PC.

WWE an embarrassment:

Media empresario Rupert Murdoch told Vince McMahon that USA is ashamed to showcase their product, during the bidding for new TV deals.

Fake HOF:

Scott Steiner says there is no such thing as the WWE HOF...

"Can you go someplace and say that it is legit when it doesn't exist? How can you say it is legit? It defies all odds. You cannot have a Hall of Fame if you cannot visit. It is the creation of someone's mind. It boggles my mind that people care about being in the Hall of Fame when it doesn't even exist. Would you go to a grocery store but there is no food? It is such a freaking joke it drives me crazy. I don't give a f**k. The Hall of Fame doesn't exist. You can't visit it. I get so sick of talking about it because it is so stupid. People take it so seriously. Some guys really just mark out for themselves and think of how great it is. It is freaking fake. It doesn't exist. It's crazy. People ask me that question all the time but I give the same answer all of the time. It doesn't exist. You might as well put the Hall of Fame on the moon. It's the same s**t. You are never going to go to the moon to visit the Hall of Fame. I don't care if it was on earth; you wouldn't visit it either."

He did though add he would consider induction, for the right price.


(Photo) WWE have released the bracket for the Network special.

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