Saturday, May 26, 2018


Alum interested:

John Morrison has declared an interest in moving to NJPW.

WWE on TV:

Curt Hawkins wants to be on 'Sesame Street'.

Mauro thanks WWE:

"I do want to say this: my relationship with WWE has never been better. There were many little things but it was my mental health that was deteriorating at a rapid pace. I needed to get off the road. The other issues have been dealt with, and it's not my intention with this documentary to go into my relationship with the WWE. They have indeed been incredible in allowing not only Paul Levesque to be involved directly, but allowing the use of footage. It's mind-blowing to me, just bringing me back to NXT, knowing about my issues. That could be the headline of the Showtime story. You hear about mentally ill people being dangerous to society or dangerous to themselves, unstable and unreliable. That's the biggest reason I'm making this doc: I'm a high-functioning individual working my dream job."

NWA champ makes ROH debut:

Magnus worked the ROH UK tour last night.

UK takeover:

Impact are joining in the UK invasion, they have signed Joe Hendry.

Alexa assists fan:

Alexa Bliss took time to console an upset fan at a fan convention this weekend. She had asked the WWE star about her eating disorder problem and Bliss shared her own experience with the problem with her.

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