Thursday, May 17, 2018


Rousey in a hurry:

Ronda Rousey has reacted to her title shot coming so soon into her career...

"I'm over the moon about it. I really wasn't expecting it, especially this soon. I've only had one match. I guess it's a good strategy on Nia's part, to try and get me early before I get a lot of experience but I think it's going to backfire on her. I think everyone who's watching Money In the Bank will be greatly entertained, regardless."

She also teased why she is in a hurry to make a mark. She told TMZ she is hoping to start a family ''Soon.''


Raw and SmackDown will tape in Manchester in November.

WWE games:

WWE have confirmed another new video game will be released this year.

Impact interested in Enzo?:

The Jackyl says he was not aware of the accusations against Enzo Amore and discussed the chance of using him for Impact...

"This is news to me, I didn't know that. I haven't, frankly, followed any of that; not to say that I wasn't aware that story has been out there. I guess you say never say never, and you evaluate talent based on need and what you're looking to do. We have a long-term plan for how we engage with talent in terms of who's gonna be on the roster, what roster spots we need filled, etc. It's not as much of a random thing. So as with any other talent, time will tell."


WWE have reportedly secured a TV deal for Raw, it is staying with USA, but they have not agreed on a deal for SmackDown.

Did HBK and Austin have heat?:

Stone Cold has responded to a long standing rumour of heat between himself and Shawn Michaels during their 1998 feud, stemming from the fact they did not shake hands after the match...

"Proper etiquette is if you work a match with somebody, whether you're working heel, baby, it doesn't matter, new to the territory or been around, you always thank the guy you work with, that's just what you do. Whether you knocked it out of the park or whether you s--t the bed, you always go thank the person that you worked with. So there wasn't any animosity between me and Shawn. Me and Shawn we always cool. He just wasn't in a good place and we just didn't know if he was going to get in the ring. And there were a couple of stories about The Undertaker taping up his hands and stuff like that. Shawn was late to a few things, but there was never any heat between me and Shawn. Man, as long as I've known Shawn, we've never had heat. He was just in a bad place in that time in his life. He had a bad back and he wasn't thrilled about dropping the title, but he certainly did and he was a complete pro about it. But I do not remember getting a chance to shake his hand or talk about the match."

Dudley talking to WWE:

Bubba Ray says he has approached WWE with an idea for a game show for their Network. He would have WWE stars in a number of squares with fans as contestants.


Harold Meij, the new president of New Japan says he plans to ''Trouble'' WWE during his time in charge.

Joe backs WWE:

Samoa Joe says he supports WWE raiding the indies for talent amid heat on the juggernaut from fans who worry they are killing the scene...

"Hey, you know whose fault it is, that your favorite wrestler got bought out? The company he was working for, cause they were too cheap to pay him what he was worth. So he should get paid what he's worth, and if WWE comes and pays him what he's worth, that's on your sorry ass. Get the money right. And start paying these dudes. There are too many crazy talented dudes out there that aren't getting paid, and if you have a problem with WWE making those dudes rich, you can kiss my ass. Cause those dudes deserve to be rich, cause they're talented as hell."

TD departure:

Carmella says she is not a part of the next series of 'Total Diva's' because she wants to concentrate on her title reign.

Rusev Real dumb?:

Rusev told Sky he is backing Real Madrid to beat Liverpool 3-0 in the Champions League. He also wore a Madrid jersey in the city last night. We all know who is winning that match... #LFC #YNWA #JFT96.

HOF'er business:

Hulk Hogan and Luke of the Bushwhackers are opening a restaurant in Florida.

WWE star in movie?:

Titus O'Neil is teasing a role in a new Marvel film. Batista will also be in the film. He has also conquered his fear of heights by taking on the world's biggest slide in London.


Jeff Hardy is fine. He is still working the Euro tour despite tweaking his knee a couple of days ago.

Accuser angry:

Enzo Amore's accuser is furious that the case has been dropped...

''There are no words to describe what this feels like... To know that my rapist is walking away from this, free of charges, and will continue to be a part of society today. I have said this many times, and I will say it again: I did this for sexual assault survivors/victims who did not/do not have the courage to speak up about their stories. For those who feared for their lives & knew that if they spoke up, they would be killed. For those who's assailant was a family member. For those who were set up to be assaulted. No matter the differences in our stories, we are one in the same. I did this in hopes that by coming out about what happened to me on October 19, 2017 & the correct legal measures taken, that my story may end in a little bit of hope with my assailant being prosecuted. To my disbelief & complete misfortune, this did not happen. I was so mentally shaken up in every way possible after the night that it happened that i waited 4 days to report it to the police. Hence the DNA samples taken were 4 days old & would have had to survive a shower & regular visits to the bathroom. That is where I messed up in this process, but I don't blame myself. I have been told that I did this for money, fame, out of spite, and to those that believe these things, all I can say is you are very wrong. I am a different person today. I used to have anxiety, but since the incident it has escalated to a much higher level. I have frequent panic attacks. I rarely can handle any interaction with men. I wake up most nights in a complete panic & have to use coping mechanisms to relieve the emotions. I have PTSD & it shows itself in a variation of ways. I'm married to a woman named Depression & she is my lover. People get jealous & frustrated because she gets all of me. Most days we just lay in bed & refuse to get up. She takes from the quality of my life & tonight she was begging me to self harm. I have been hiding from my phone all day, dodging the hate. But when I came home, it was overwhelming. I wanted nothing more than that release. My favorite coping mechanism is writing, so I decided to share an up-to-date side of my story. Eric Ardnt is not innocent, & I AM A SURVIVOR.''

Shane-O in surgery:

Shane McMahon has had surgery on a hernia.

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