Sunday, May 6, 2018


WWE man training legend's son:

Zeus, son of Smokin' Joe, Frazier has joined Heath Slater's wrestling school.

WWE outreach:

WWE have sent Manchester City a replica championship belt to mark their winning of the Premiership trophy.


Tonight is WWE Backlash, the first PPV since the brand split for PPV events was scrapped.

Booker talks Hogan return:

"The only thing Hogan can do is apologize, atone for it, and we move forward. Everyone deserves a second chance that's just the way I am. I talk about Hulk Hogan being in my corner, back in the day and a lot of the boys they may look at me and say, 'Why is Booker T talking to Hogan?' Back in the day, if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, I don't know if Booker T and Stevie Ray would have got the push that we got. Back in the day, Sister Sherri was an intricate detail to Harlem Heat, and our success, and it was all because of Hulk Hogan. Saying 'Hey man, those are the guys you need to put your money behind.' I'm taking that 'word' and put it over to the side, and let that man take his rightful place back, which is in this business. I'm not going to take that away from him. I'm not going to sit here and say 'No, he should be blackballed or black listed from the game, forevermore!' for saying something a lot of us say on a daily basis. I don't myself, but a lot of us do. Let this man who has done so much for the wrestling business truly take his rightful place back in the WWE."

WWE support dead celeb:

Titus O'Neil and Sasha Banks attended a gala event in memory of Australian wildlife expert Steve Irwin this weekend.

Adam Cole talks PPV debut:

"I found out last minute about the Royal Rumble. Second of all, the first pro wrestling show that I ever went to was in that building, the first WrestleMania I ever watched was in Philly, I trained to be a pro wrestler in Philadelphia, so so many things mean that much to me coming out of Philadelphia, and to be able to make my Royal Rumble debut in Philadelphia it's like, okay, great career Adam. That's it."

WWE wedding:

Rowe and Sarah Logan will marry in December.

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