Saturday, May 19, 2018


Randy Orton:

Randy Orton is benched until SummerSlam after having knee surgery.

Alum wants WWE return:

Jazz wants to wrestle Charlotte...

"Honestly it started out with just me wanting to hear a fan's point of view about how they would feel about seeing me and Charlotte Flair in the ring. If the opportunity ever comes I would like to see how the fans would adjust to that. Who would get the heel pop? Who would turn babyface? I've watched her and I love her swag. I want to see who would be the most dominant in that match. She's Ric Flair's daughter, but my Dad's name is James Moore. Sometimes people forget who and what you've accomplished in this business, so if someone asks me who I want to face today, I'm saying Charlotte Flair!"

She also recalled her WWE debut...

"I love Ivory to death. Let me tell you something about Ivory. When I did my tryout match with WWE in a dark match, she had no clue who I was. Molly Holly smartened her up to who I was and talked about me. So she goes 'Girl, I heard you're really bad ass. So tonight it's going to be all about you.' She gave me one of the best matches man. Kudos to Ivory. They told me that was one of the best reactions to a female dark match. I'm wrestling a legend, Ivory, who's acknowledging me, little old me who started in ECW."


Goldust is 10 years sober.


ROH are opening a new dojo in Maryland.

Euro tour wrapping:

Raw will sign off their Euro tour tonight in France.


Cass walked out of a match in Amsterdam last night with an apparent leg injury. Mustafa Ali needed 9 staples to close a head wound in Paris.

WWE in video:

Chris Jericho and Aleister Black have cameo's in Ghost's new music video...

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