Monday, May 28, 2018


Bullet Club bust-up:

Marty Scurll has cashed in his number one contendership to the ROH gold to get a shot at their next special, despite his BC leader Cody already having the match. It will now be a triple threat.

Fan incident:

Roman Reigns has reacted to a twit-storm of abuse for refusing a picture with a young girl...

''First of all, it was a grown man that approached me while I was feeding my sons breakfast and talking to my daughter.  B4 I could finish saying “I’m sorry but I don’t get much time with my family”, he stormed off calling me a “sell out”. That’s the truth. Get your gossip right.''

Heat on Japanese stars:

Tetsuya Naito was being interviewed over lunch, with a couple of his stable mates, by Tokyo Sports, at his request. At the end of the meal he got up to pay but instead left the building. His two buds then both followed to look for him but got into a cab and also left, leaving the media firm with the unpaid cheque.

Raw tease:

  • The Kingslayer defends his title against The Modern Day Maharaja
  • Seven Superstars get a Last Chance to be "Money"
  • How will Nia Jax respond to Ronda Rousey's threat?
  • Is Braun Strowman destined to become Mr. Money in the Bank?
  • What payback does Bobby Lashley have in store for Sami Zayn?

Legal battle coming?:

MLW are threatening to take action against WWE for their ''Aggressive'' chasing of indie talent contracted to them.

WWE sign Japanese star:

Lo Shirai is finally on her way to WWE after a year of back and forth from the company.

WWE go home:

WWE have given AJ Styles and Roman Reigns this weekend off.

KO fronts campaign:

Kevin Owens has fronted a road safety campaign.

Book spoils return?:

TMZ asked Booker T for a comment on Hulk Hogan, he replied ''Welcome back.''

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