Thursday, January 25, 2018


Raw rewrites:

Raw 25 had to be rewritten on the night of the show because a big name celeb guest was late getting to the show. Jimmy Fallon was going to introduce the legend segments, but could not get to Barclays in time for rehearsals.


XFL will return in 2020. Vince McMahon made a statement confirming the relaunch earlier today.

Goldberg reveals WrestleMania injuries:

"Well, being older, how did I feel after?. I think my groin turned black. The back of my right quad turned black. The back of my quad, excuse me. The back of my right leg turned black, I think, two weeks after 'Mania. It didn't happen till then! My body was in shock, I think! But I'll be honest with you, man. I'll be honest. I was ready to go that night and I could've gone. I mean, whatever."

Enzo rape claim:

The accuser of Enzo Amore has confirmed a video of one of her friends showing text messages she sent him on the night she alleges she was raped by the former WWE star is legitimate. However, while confirming she did send the texts, she says her friend has taken them out of context, and stands by her accusation of rape vs Enzo.

She also admits to lying about how long she was in a mental health facility. She now says she spent 20-26 days, not 45 in the care of the specialists.


The Miz's monster Mania match is set to be against Braun Strowman for his IC title.

HHH defends Rousey:

"It's funny because I see people say, 'Oh, if she does sign with them that's taking the place of somebody else who's been trying to do this for years.' She's been training for this for a long time. I saw videos of her, I think, four years ago, doing this kind of on the side, when she was fighting. Still kind of doing the sports entertainment thing on the side. She's been thinking about - and been very serious about - doing this for a long period of time. So, that criticism is kind of unfounded, because, man, if she does this - when that time comes - I think she likes it to the point where it's going to be tough for her to not be all in. But we'll see when we get there. I know people think - because she's not fighting or whatever - she has a very busy schedule. So, us sitting down and doing some things is not the fastest process on the planet."

New baby:

Chad Gable has become a second time father to a baby girl.

I won't be there:

Ronda Rousey says she has not signed with WWE and will not be in the Royal Rumble...

"I appreciate everyone's confidence, but I'm actually leaving to Colombia right now to finish shooting Mile 22 and won't be back until mid February. I appreciate you saying that and it's a real honor to hear it."

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