Friday, January 26, 2018


Rich Swann:

Rich Swann has been cleared of all charges regarding a domestic violence incident with his wife, Impact star Su Yung. Prosecutors deemed there to be insufficient evidence to prosecute. WWE have not yet commented on what this means for his WWE future.

205 Live GM:

Recently released Summer Rae was considered for the GM role on 205, but has been turned down because she is taller than most of the talent.

Alum wins Impact gold:

Evan Bourne won the Grand title at Genesis last night.

Alum talks Enzo:

X-Pac has shared his views on the Enzo Amore situation...

"Obviously he may or may have not done this, I am hoping it's the may not part... It will play out, the investigation will take its course and either charges will be filed or they won't be. He should have got on top of this instead of stuffing it under the rug. And also quit putting yourself in situations every week of your life where something like this can happen, where you're leaving yourself open for anything to happen."

WWE high:

WWE's stock price is at it's highest ever level after yesterday's XFL announcement.

Coach reveals WWE was part of the reason he quit ESPN:

"They dropped the ball. They could have done so much more. Every single project I'm about to start doing, I pitched to ESPN, and they said no to. It was very frustrating near the end. I said to my boss 'you are so shortsighted on what we need to be doing, that it's incredible to me'. The night before Summerslam 2016, Conor McGregor fought Nate Diaz for the 2nd time. I said to them, 'I will go to Vegas, cover the fight, then fly to New York, cover Summerslam, and put both stories into a package to celebrate the biggest weekend in combat sports'. My boss said, 'can't do it. Nobody's gonna want to watch that. I've already sent 3 cameras to preseason football.' I said you gotta be kidding me. When I was getting ready to leave, I went to his boss and asked if this idea ever came across your desk. He said 'No. We would have absolutely ran with that.'"


Kairi Sane is back in the ring after niggling injuries. Jason Jordan has a bad back, but is still scheduled to compete at the Rumble.

Ban lifted:

Edmonton have revoked their ban on combat sports, which included WWE, implemented after an MMA fighter died in the city.

Top stars fought to keep Goldberg out of HOF:

A former WWE writer has claimed HHH and Shawn Michaels vowed to make sure Goldberg would never be inducted into the HOF. They apparently also said he was a hodge podge wrestler that left no legacy with the company.

Goldberg will be going into the Hall this year, he was announced last week.

Steroid dealer vows to take Roman down:

A steroid dealer that was jailed for using his gym to distribute roids to his celebrity clientele is still adamant he will prove Roman Reigns was one of his customers. He says he has texts from Reigns proving his claim is true, and will release them in due course.

Philly change name for WWE:

Two streets in Philadelphia have been renamed Royal and Rumble for this weekend, to mark the PPV in the city on Sunday.

Heat on King:

Jerry Lawler says he took a bollocking over his headset for saying ''Puppies'' on Raw...

"I didn't ask anybody at all and I told JR right before the commercial break, right before I said it, I said 'Hey, I'm going to say "I'm waiting for the puppies," and I think it would probably be good if you 'd just say "Don't start that," or something, because I really wanted to give JR deniability and protect him in case there was some kind of repercussion. So sure enough, I said 'Hey JR, I'm waiting for puppies," and just like that, there were no girls on the screen. I just said the word 'Puppies,' and JR, of course, he did it just right. He said 'Don't start that.' Then immediately, I heard in my ear, they said 'King, they asked to stay away from the "puppies" comments.' So, that was my one and only time to say 'Puppies,' but at least I did say it."

Royal Rumble:

To replace the now cancelled Cruiserweight match, Bobby Roode will offer an open challenge to his US title on the kick off show. Also on the pre The Revival vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and Kalisto, Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado vs. TJP, Drew Gulak & Jack Gallagher have been confirmed.

One time WWE wrestler Maria Menounos will be the ring announcer for the women's Rumble match. Jerry Lawler will call the men's. He has just signed a one year deal to stay with WWE.

Roman Reigns has taken a spot in the men's match. He his hot favourite to win it.

Alum rules herself out of Rumble:

Molly Holly says she will not be taking part on Sunday...

"My friends' kids were texting me and they're like, 'I saw on the internet that you're gonna be in the Royal Rumble.' I was like, 'I am?! Oh my gosh! Where does it say this?. So I start looking like, is this like some thing that they just forgot to tell me? So then, I actually called, because I was like, 'Am I gonna be?' So then I called the WWE, and I was like, 'Is this like a thing?' And they were like, 'Oh, fans are predicting who's gonna be in the Rumble.' I was like, 'oh, I'm sorry. I'm like embarrassed.' I'm just a mark who believes everything that's on the Internet. But, for a second, I was like 'Ah crap! I don't have enough time. I need months to prepare!' But then it's not even true, so it was nice enough that the fans cared enough to start a rumor. So, that's cool."

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