Sunday, January 21, 2018


Alum talks Impact:

Chris Masters has talked about the future of Impact, just days after quitting the promotion...

"It has been a crazy year with all the changes in the company and guys and guys out. ... There just needs to be some consistency. Consistency went out the window in the last year, but you couldn't help that with all the changes. You just have to get some consistency going, which I think they are in route to doing. The sky is the limit. ... I've only just met Don Callis and conversing over the past couple of days, but I have heard good things about him. It seems like he has a bigger pulse on professional wrestling, which is good. He knows the trends of what's going in and out and how to maybe adapt to the new environment we live in with technology and how the world is evolving in general. Scott D'Amore brings a lot of experience and a good figure to help head it up at the helm. Sonjay is here too. Time will tell, but it seems they have the right players here in place to capitalize on the talent involved."


Dana White says he is confident that Brock Lesnar will fight again for UFC. Speculation is Brock will not sign a new WWE deal this year, with UFC his likely destination.

Old boy credited for big match:

Steve Austin has thanked Al Snow for getting him into shape for his WWE debut, and the work he did helping him prepare for his famous match vs Bret Hart at Mania 13...

"When I came to WWE in 1995 as 'The Ringmaster', before I made my debut, I was very rusty. Now, I had about two or three matches, one with Mikey Whipwreck and one with Mikey and Sandman, but they were pretty short. They were what they were. And I needed to knock the rust off to some degree and I told Vince, 'I'd like to go to Al Snow's school up there in Lima, Ohio before I start, so I can knock a little bit of that rust off because I haven't really been that active.' And he goes, 'that'd be fine,' so they flew me up. We just hit it off and I remember you coming and asking me if I'd be alright if you came to the school and I said, 'yeah, of course! I'd be happy for you to come there.' I mean, so I came for those five days and worked on stuff in the ring and it was awesome! I kept farting on Al whenever I'd try to show different rollups and stuff! I think, Al, at that stage of my career, I was living purely on beans and alcohol! But I remember I told Vince, 'I've got to knock some of that ring rust off - I want to go see Al Snow.' So they flew me out there five days. Before I had that submission match with Bret Hart, I came to [Snow] again. I said, 'hey man, I've got a submission match. Dude, you know my style. It has changed a little bit from USWA/WCW to WWE and I got dumped on my head, but I was never a scientific wonder. I was a mechanic, but I didn't know any submission moves. So we talked and Snow gave me a couple. I think the one that I ended up using, I don't even know what it was called, so anyway, Snow was a very big part of WrestleMania 13, although nobody knows that."

No action on Reigns:

Law enforcement have confirmed they will not investigate Roman Reigns over the steroid claims. They say even if it is true that he is a customer of the Florida gym owner, they are not interested in the clients, only the dealer.


WWE have listed their planned DVD's for the first half of 2018...

  • 16/1 - WWE Tag Team Collection (Four WWE Studios animated movies)
  • 23/1 - WWE Clash of Champions 2017
  • 6/2 - Best of Raw and SmackDown 2017
  • 6/3 - 2018 WWE Royal Rumble
  • 20/3 - Best of WWE NXT 2017
  • 3/4 - Raw 25th Anniversary
  • 17/4 - WWE Elimination Chamber and Fastlane PPVs
  • 1/5 - Best of the Hardy Boyz
  • 15/5 - WWE WrestleMania 34
  •  29/5 - Unreleased: Randy Savage Matches

WWE fail:

Great Khali says WWE have failed to get over in India...

"The WWE has failed in India. They thought they would use the Great Khali fully and then leave him. I had been trying hard for to leave WWE, but they kept on offering me a contract. Finally in 2014, I decided I would leave once my contract ended and would not work with them ever again. Then I came back and opened CWE in Punjab, which is doing well."

He, of course, did return, although briefly, last year.

HOF'er snubbed:

Koko B. Ware says WWE have not asked him to go to Raw 25, despite him being a part of the very first show.

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