Thursday, January 18, 2018


Indie star wants 4 minutes:

Matt Cross says he wants 4 minutes on Raw...

"I need one 4-minute match on RAW, you can fire me afterwards if it doesn't hold up, but I will do 3, 4 or 5 things that no one has done in the ring and I've been doing this for 17 years. There are moves that have been stolen of mine and there are moves that haven't been stolen yet which has to make me think it's because they can't be done by anyone else. So I would love that opportunity just to showcase my style. It's not theoretical like 'I think I can have a good match with Finn Balor', it's like I know I can because I've had matches I'm very proud of with like 80% of the roster. It would be nice to do it on that level but with that said I'm very happy to be in Lucha Underground and it's fun."

Raw 25:

Kevin Nash has pulled out of Raw 25. He recently had surgery and doesn't feel ready to travel. Bret Hart won't be there either, he has a medical appointment that day and Mick Foley doesn't want to come for kayfabe reasons. He thinks it is too soon to come back after being fired by the company just last year. He also has a family holiday booked for next week.

Jeff Hardy and Mark Henry are now confirmed for the party, as are Coach and Lilian Garcia.

WWE on TV:

Goldberg will appear on 'Grand Tour' and 'Flash' this week and Sasha Banks will be on 'Complex Fuse'.

I'm not done:

Mark Henry has shot down the WWE exec that announced him as retired last week. He says he has more to do.

Impact legend confirms future plans:

James Storm wants to go to WWE...

"My ultimate goal is to go to WWE. The WWE has such a grip on the world, it's pretty amazing, and I believe I still have a lot to give. I'm in the best shape I've ever been. When I left Impact, I told people this isn't my last stop, it's just time for me to get on a new horse."

Before that though, he is coming for a tour of the UK.

Reigns responds:

Roman Reigns has denied being a customer of a steroid dealer...

"I have never heard of Richard Rodriguez or Wellness Fitness Nutrition. I learned from the mistake I made nearly two years ago and paid the penalty for it. Since then, I've passed 11 tests as part of WWE's independent drug testing program."


ECIII is coming to WWE and will keep his current ring name. He was introducing himself to people at the PC this week.


Samoa Joe's foot injury is worse than first thought. He is out until March. KO has a nagging injury that he has having a tough time shaking off, but can work through.


WWE have announced a new food line, called superstar snacks.

Goldberg to Japan:

NJPW were interested in using Goldberg on their next US trip, until he was announced for HOF. Talks have now cooled off, but are not yet dead.

WWE sign TV star:

WWE have signed Kacy Catanzaro from 'American Warrior' she has reported to the PC for training.

Hogan vs WWE:

Hulk Hogan has upset WWE with a comment he made about the Raw party...

"I don't know if they want me back. I think the fans want me back. I think that I'm part of that company from the ground up. Triple H I know is a huge fan of the guys that gave their blood, sweat and tears and their personal life to make this happen. I know Triple H would love to see me back on the inside again."

WWE released a terse single line statement denying interest...

"At this time, WWE remains committed to its decision."

Hall Of Famer's wife's killer cleared:

Jim Ross says the boy that killed his wife in an auto accident has been cleared of any blame in the accident...

"Judge Steven Stice decided to dismiss the vehicular homicide charge against the 17 year old in my wife Jan's death. The state object to no avail. The driver never even lost his drivers license. Sad world in which we live, folks."

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