Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Bully thanks ROH:

Bubba Dudley has thanked ROH for allowing him to appear on Raw this week.

Enzo accuser speaks out:

TMZ have released a video interview with the woman that claims she was raped by Enzo Amore. She waived her right to anonymity by allowing them to broadcast this video, which has graphic descriptions of what she alleges happened to her. So be aware...

Enzo released a statement from his attorney denying her accusations, after he was fired by WWE last night over the incident. He was not fired because of the rape claim, but because he had known of the investigation against him since October 23, 4 days after the assault, and did not inform WWE. They found out at the same time as everyone else, when the lady in question posted her accusations on Twitter. She has been named on social media since going public, and has been questioned in her motives, her honesty and her beliveability due to her chequered past. She has also been panned for waiting so long to make a complaint to police. Unfairly as it turns out, she made a complaint from her hospital bed after it happened, police made Enzo aware of the accusations against him a couple of days later, and she then claims she was put into a mental health facility for 45 days because of the trauma she suffered. She has not made clear why she decided to go public the other night.

WWE are clearly angry with their former star, or want to cut all ties with him, or both, because they have deleted him from the website. When a talent leaves the company they are moved to the Alumni roster of the website, unless it is an NXT star that never made it to the full roster. Only Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Snuka have had their profiles deleted before him.

Mainstream media outlets have picked up on the story since WWE fired Enzo.

205 Live:

Daniel Bryan wrote Enzo Amore off WWE TV on 205 last night. He cut a promo via VT saying Amore had decided to abdicate his title reign and to leave the brand and company. He also confirmed a new brand GM will be installed next week and he or she will decide the future of the Cruiserweight title.

Royal Rumble:

Kofi Kingston, Big E, Xavier Woods, The Miz, Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews (Male) and Alicia Fox (Female) have confirmed themselves for the Royal Rumbles. There are still more than 10 available spots in both matches, with just days to go before the event.

Stephanie McMahon has announced she will be on the comms team for the women's Rumble.

WWE have made a big announcement regarding next years event. It will be held at Chase Field in Phoenix, the first time the over the top special will be hosted in an open air venue. WWE concede this will create challenges...

''Every year, we design something endemic to that particular facility. They are built to fit the stadium that we are going to be in. The same will be true here. It's unlike a concert tour, with 100 semis that pull and put up the same setup. We go into the venue and design the set with the backdrop of that facility. Oftentimes, that set will never be used again."


Samir of the Singh brothers tore his ACL on SD last week. He has had surgery to repair the damage. The usual bench time for this injury is 6-9 months.

Miz talks next goal:

"Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude -- you name it. Every superstar that was my hero growing up as a kid has held that title. It's a title I always loved as a kid. When I got it for the first time, you're ecstatic, you're happy, but you watch the title become a second-place kind of title. The last time I got it, I literally said I was sick of people looking at this as just a placeholder, as like a whatever title. I want people to understand that when you hold that title, it is prestigious, it is relevant, it has a rich history and that's what I set out to do. I think I've been doing a pretty good job of it, but I'm not done until I'm main-eventing WrestleMania with the Intercontinental championship."

HOF'er backs Hulk:

DDP says it is time to bring Hulk Hogan back...

"To me, at some point Hulk has to come back. I'm hoping that gets seen on the WWE side, because I'm a big Hulk Hogan fan. He was really one of the guys who was instrumental in helping me get up to that spot as the top guy. Because he believed in me, and when I won the World Title that night of the match he was in there: me, Flair, Sting and Hogan. Hulk, he's spent his time. I don't think anybody believes that Hulk - in anyway - has any racist bone in his body. Bottom line is he's a good man and I hope to God he gets to come back."

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