Saturday, January 20, 2018


Hall Of Fame:

Tickets for this years HOF ceremony have gone on sale. Goldberg is currently the only confirmed name for the class.

205 debut:

205 Live is going on the road for the first time this weekend, with it's own live tour. Nia Jax will be working the shows.

WWE on TV:

Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax will be on 'Steve Harvey' next week. Sasha Banks will be on 'TRL' on MTV.

JR shares views:

On Paige retiring...

"Saddened to read of Paige's neck injury is apparently going to take her out of the ring for good. I was happy to see Paige on RAW Monday night and I know that she can remain a viable figure in the WWE, if she chooses to invest in herself and in the next skill sets that she will need to refine. Paige has a unique personality that can be amended to allow her to excel in what could be multiple assignments going forward. Don't count her out."

On Impact's future...

"No one should be surprised that Impact Wrestling is going through a major talent roster cleanse, for the lack of a better term, which provides their new, booking/creative group some new talents to utilize which generally helps 're-starts.' Impact needs an upgraded North American TV partner and to get someone 'HOT' sooner than later."

On Goldberg's HOF induction:

"Really happy for my Oklahoma friend, Bill Goldberg, for his upcoming induction into the 2018 Hall of Fame class. Good things often times do happen to good people and things weren't always easy for Goldberg in WWE, but it was made up for in triplicate with Bill's last run versus Brock Lesnar."

Jim Johnston talks WWE departure:

"I guess three or so years ago, I'd say three to four years ago, a lot of politics got involved, personal stuff that I don't want to go into, but over the years I've had a failing in myself that I'll probably keep doing because I know in my heart that I don't think it's a failing, but it's not a good trait for business. I tend to get a bit Polly Annish to a point where I tend to trust people that unfortunately I've been shown that I shouldn't trust. There were people that really thought were friends that turned out not to be friends. I had a brief conversation with Vince and it was over. All I'll say is that I think there were a lot of ways to end it and the way that it ended was… I think there were better ways to end it where everyone could have walked away with a much better feeling. And after 32 years, it seems like a lost opportunity to me and I don't really understand it."

Punk will fight again:

Dana White says he will give CM Punk one more UFC fight...

"I like that guy. He's a good dude. He wants one more. He wants to get another shot. I'm going to give it to him."

Impact upset with Alum:

Chris Masters was booked to work a full week of Impact taping's last week, but announced he had left the company on social media after just a couple of days. Impact have now confirmed he did not tell them he was leaving, and that they found out at the same time as everyone else.

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