Saturday, January 6, 2018


WWE on TV:

A group of WWE stars have gone to Hawaii to take part on a Nickelodeon show called 'Paradise Run.'

WWE at White House:

Titus O'Neil took his family on a tour of HOF'er Donald Trump's house yesterday.

JR recalls falling out with Steve Austin:

"We had a very competitive group, everybody wanted to be the top dog. Everybody took pride in being the guy. I booked Austin one time in a tag match to give him a break on a Saturday night before TV, a Sunday night, excuse me, on the west coast. I put him in a tag match at Vince's suggestion and I put him on right before intermission. So he goes out and gets to the town and Blackjack Lanza is the road agent, so Lanza calls me on the phone, which was very common, go over the plans for the night creatively on the live events, and he goes, 'I've got Austin here for you.' He handed Austin the phone and after he got done over modulating on my phone and cussing, I figured out that A) he didn't like tag matches and B) he couldn't figure out why he wasn't going on last. And I said, 'well, I thought the tag match would give you something of a break instead of carrying the whole load and going on before intermission would get you on the road earlier.' I said, 'you've got a big night at RAW the next night and it's an early night because we're on west coast time.' And he gave me, 'man, I worked my entire G.D. life for this, to be a top guy, and not have to do that and I want to go on last. That's what top guys do.' And that was him! That was the way some talents were, and by the way, I unbooked the tag and put him on last."


Sonjay Dutt is having surgery on his achilles.

Kevin Nash:

Kevin Nash has posted a horror shot from his recent surgery. It is too gruesome to post, unless you want to hit that link.

Ryback blasts WWE:

Ryback has hit out at WWE for wasting Wade Barrett's talent...

"He's one of the guys that universally, everyone that was there, especially when I was there, the ball was dropped numerous times with him. He is a 6'6, 6'7, always in shape, but at one point he was in ridiculous shape. For a guy that size you have a big frame already, he was absolutely shredded; even though he got a little thin at one point, he got so shredded, but they were not doing anything with him as far as being used. There were numerous points he should have won the Championship. He's had a lot of success there, they never pulled the trigger at the right times."

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