Tuesday, January 30, 2018


WWE defend female Rumble:

WWE insiders have come out in defense of criticism over the women's Royal Rumble match. Some say, what was billed as a huge step forward for women's wrestling turned into a nostalgia trip, due to almost half of the entrants returning as surprises. WWE say they wanted the first edition of what may become a regular annual event to not only make history and raise the profile of the current women on the roster, but to acknowledge and celebrate the work done by those that went before, in getting the division to where it is now.

While I agree, I made the same point about the nostalgic feel of the match on the night, not one of the guest entrants disgraced themselves, all looked like they could re-sign tomorrow and have another run, EXCUSE ME!!!, even Vickie Guerrero was on top form. They do need a deeper roster of female talent to choose from if they want to continue with the event in future though. IMO.

Elimination Chamber:

Braun Strowman, Elias and John Cena have earned spots in the chamber match, with the winner to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. WWE have also confirmed the first female match will see Alexa Bliss defend her gold in the structure.

Alum vs WWE:

Tazz was not happy with the Royal Rumble. He didn't just join the chorus of criticism over the female legends, but went after the use of NXT talent and Ronda Rousey too...

"Let's worry about the current talent, WWE. That's what we need to get over. Not the men and women that are from the past. That's something I have a problem with, and I have a problem with doing what you're doing to your two champions from NXT. They come off as small, and they come off as not being utilized the right way, and it hurts. It hurts them. It hurts them badly when that happens. And Rousey, It kind of takes the spotlight away from Asuka's victory, but what did she win? I mean, you're pointing, Ronda Rousey, I know how tough you are, but what did she earn? She didn't beat anyone, she didn't fight anybody here. I don't get it."

WWE anger own talent:

WWE made a list of the most important moments from the Royal Rumble PPV, listing Ronda Rousey's appearance as number 1. This has offended many people, notably three of the women that competed in the Rumble match, who have openly criticised WWE for demeaning what they had just achieved...

Nia Jax...

''Cool she’s here....I guess 30 women making history can just be forgotten''

Nikki Bella...

''Wonder what all the 30 other women candid thoughts were too?''

Sasha Banks...

"I have nothing nice to say so I can't say anything at all. I have nothing to say about it."

These comments followed Triple H gushing over Rousey in mainstream media interviews, where he declared the whole women's division excited to warmly greet the former MMA star into the family.

Hall Of Fame:

O, my brother... testify! Dudley Boyz have been officially confirmed for this years HOF class...

Batista vs Fans:

Batista has criticised fans as unfocused over their chants for CM Punk...

"I love Punk. I've always gotten along with Punk and I had to hear from people that he left because I came back. Where the hell did that come from? And I've said, I wasn't crazy about the way he left because that's not the way we did business. We just don't do that, especially when you've got guys… and Brock did it way back in the day as well. You've got a million guys lined up to put this guy over and then he just leaves! Just leaves, doesn't give anything back, doesn't build any stars to fill those spots, and that's the way we do business. That's the way we've always done business. And I just can't respect when people lose sight of that. And again, it's not a knock on Punk because I think very highly of him. I just don't agree with the way he left. And the fans, definitely, with that kind of stuff, when he's not there, and people are still chanting his name, it just confuses me. And I get that they don't have that same type of insight, but at the same time, I just can't relate."

He also thanked Steve Austin for giving him tough, but helpful advice when he left...

"I was actually passing up a lot of lead roles in straight-to-DVD stuff, and that was kind of advice Austin had given me like way back before he left, when he knew what I wanted to do and I was talking to him about it. And he said, 'man, you're going to be offered these roles and if you start taking a lot of them, you're going to get stuck in that rut.' And he said, 'don't get stuck in that rut.' So I was very aware of that, so I passed up on a lot of those roles, even though it was hard and they would've paid for some bills and I needed the money at the time, but I wanted to be an actor and I wanted to be in good films."

Promotion nixed:

The US title challenger changed three times at Rumble. The original plan was for Dolph to come back and reclaim his gold, then NXT's Adam Cole was given the shot, but Mojo Rawley ultimately got the pre show nod, the other two guys went into the Rumble match.


WWE have unveiled a new logo for Raw, a new theme song will follow... this is set to be that song...

Heat on Hulk:

Hulk Hogan got heat on Twitter for a tweet saying he wished he could have thrown all of the girls over the top at Royal Rumble.

WWE sign top Impact star:

Jeremy Borash has quit Impact and signed for WWE. He was in town with the promotion over the weekend, he claimed visiting friends, but announced he will not return to Impact today. He had been there since 2002.

SmackDown tease:

  • The Road to WrestleMania kicks off for Styles & Nakamura
  • Who will be next in line for a United States Championship opportunity?
  • What's next for The Usos?
  • How will Ronda Rousey's arrival affect the women of Team Blue?


Rapper Desiigner turned down an invite to the annual music awards show to go to the WWE PPV on Sunday.

New job for Mark:

Mark Henry has joined the presenting team of Busted Open radio.

Paige blamed for own demise:

Missy Hyatt says Paige has to blame herself for the end of her career...

"Overall, I think she had an opportunity to do something and to have a really, really great run, and I think she spoiled it. I think it's sad, because she could have had a really great run, and make a lot of money and probably never have to work again... I heard WWE didn't want her to have the neck surgery, but she pressed for the neck surgery, and they're like, you're too young to have the neck surgery."

She also blasted female talent, including Paige, Charlotte and Maria for having explicit images leaked online.

Stop doing that:

Mick Foley has urged Sasha Banks not to dive through the ropes again, after she almost hurt herself on Raw last night...

''I really don’t want to see Sasha try that dive again. Too many close calls. Time to take that item off the menu. It’s not something I wanted to say but man, if I don’t speak up, I don’t sleep tonight.''


The new GM for 205 Live will be named tonight. Strong speculation has Rockstar Spud, on his 35th birthday, getting the role, but this is WWE, anything could happen.

New format:

Daniel Bryan says all blue brand stars will have a vote on future angles and title matches. He will ask the talent to vote on a series of categories, such as overall talent, locker room leadership and athletic skill. He and Shane would then take into account the 10 stars with most votes for the big angles and title matches going forward.


WWE are said to be looking seriously at Rey Mysterio's status after the social media reaction to his return. His return video and backstage interview has garnered more than three times the views Ronda Rousey's VT's have received on YouTube.

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