Wednesday, January 17, 2018


New champ:

Bobby Roode won the US title tournament last night.

WWE address arrest:

WWE have released a statement on Jey Uso's arrest...

"Joshua Fatu is responsible for his own personal actions. We are investigating the matter and awaiting information from local law enforcement officials."

Raw 25:

Trish Stratus and Christian have joined the guest list for next weeks show. Edge can't come, he is out of the country.


Fred Ottman is fighting back from a bad infection in his leg. He is still undergoing medical treatment, but says he feels ''Perkier.''

Reigns accused:

A steroid dealer has listed Roman Reigns as one of his celebrity clients during his trial. He had been giving celebs, including Marky Mark Wahlberg, drugs at his Florida gym. The former gym owner says he wants to completely clear his name, and feels implicating people that used from him will help him do so.

More like he is trying to deflect attention from himself by naming celebs as users.

Knockout in hospital:

Sienna was taken to hospital from the last Impact tapings after taking ill. Medics found she had blood clots in both lungs.


Samir Singh turned his ankle on SD last night.

Alum talks past:

Eva Marie has discussed her alcoholism and time spent in jail as a result...

"I'm an alcoholic. I have relapsed, destroyed relationships, hurt my family, and disappointed myself numerous times. I will be an alcoholic for the rest of my life. The fact that I have been sober for almost five years doesn't mean that I am 'cured,' it doesn't mean that I had a drinking phase in my 20s, and it doesn't mean that I can have a few drinks now and again or just drink in moderation. There are no shades of gray when it comes to alcoholism—it's black and white. Either I am an alcoholic or I am not. Working a program doesn't mean my past magically disappears and everything is fine. Unfortunately, nothing of note in life is that simple or easy. Yet the road to my recovery did start with a very simple admission: I am an alcoholic. And admitting that truth saved my life. Before I started working my 12-step program, my mind was a mess, my life was a mess, and I'd hit rock bottom. I served three months in jail for repeated DUIs. I didn't have a license, I didn't have a stable job, and I was living in an apartment that I could only afford due to a heavy discount my landlord offered me because a murder had taken place there between the previous tenants. That's what my life looked like right before I started down my road to sobriety."

HOF'er offers advice:

Mick Foley says Daniel Bryan needs to make smart decisions on his ring future...

"I told him years ago that once he was as thoroughly beloved as he was, he didn't have to do as much on a nightly basis, that he could stay away from some of the things that were most likely going to lead to injuries. So there is no doubt in my mind that Daniel, if given the chance, could have some great matches. I just hope he makes sparing appearances. I don't know what his condition is or what the doctors are saying but I hope in the end he understands that he's a guy who has a long life ahead of him, and a wife and a child. He needs to make the decision for everyone, not just himself."

Impact to Rumble:

ECIII has pulled out of an indie booking set for the night of the Royal Rumble.

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