Monday, January 1, 2018

1/1/2018 **

Happy new year, welcome to 2018...

Kane talks WWE future:

"I feel I still go out and perform at a very high level every night. I tell people as long as I'm doing that, as long as I'm having fun doing what I'm doing, I will continue. When you look at the overall picture, I think that a lot of what I try to do now is help the younger guys refine their craft as much as possible. We have some tremendous talent that is on the main roster, of course, people from NXT coming up, I think the future is very bright for WWE."

He also says he would reject a request from The Rock to be his running mate if Rocky runs for president in 2024. His political ambitions are solely local to the area he lives.

Raw tease:

  • The Beast is back for 2018's first Raw
  • Cedric Alexander challenges Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship
  • Can Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan coexist as tag team partners?
  • Who will face Hideo Itami next?
  • Will new Superstars declare for the Royal Rumble Matches?
  • Roman Reigns defends the Intercontinental Championship against Samoa Joe, with a catch

Big Show reveals original plan for Mania 24:

"It's funny, the original thing was supposed to be a tag. It was supposed to be, I think, Batista and Rey against Floyd and myself. Rey got hurt. Batista got hurt. And then, it manifested into 'Giant vs. Boxer'."

Royal Rumble:

John Cena, who is strongly favoured to win the match and to go onto Mania, has confirmed himself for this months Royal Rumble.

WWE split?:

Carmella has un-followed Cass on social media and deleted all posts including him from her profiles.

Future Endeavours:

Here is the annual fan made tribute to those that left WWE during the past year...

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