Sunday, October 1, 2017


Alum returns to wrestling:

Wade Barrett will start work as the new general manager of WCPW in Newcastle tomorrow night.


An MMA fighter won his last fight by scoring a tap out win after using the Walls Of Jericho.

Birth of Attitude Era:

Grand Master Sexay has recalled the talent meeting that led to the birth of the attitude era in WWE...

"One day Vince put us in a big ball room and he said, 'As of today everyone is going to have attitude'. I don't care if you are at the mall, if you are eating at a restaurant, I don't care if you are at the airport. We had attitude. We didn't read scripts and stuff like that from writers that write for The Simpsons that's what done today. When you have people like DX, Chyna, Chris Benoit, Hardy Boyz, I can go on and on. You can't compare. We put WCW out of business."


WWE have created a one off gold WWE title which they will auction to raise funds for their Connor's Cure charity.


Gail Kim will retire at Bound For Glory this year.

Ahmed recalls shooting on Goldust during WWE PPV:

... At King Of The Ring 1996...

"I love Goldust. Goldust is one of the best workers there is. What happened was, is I told him not to be kissing me and stuff for real, because we had rehearsed it to where he was supposed to put his hand over my mouth and kiss his hand. Because it was live TV I couldn't move if he did whatever he did that he said he would. And he didn't do it. He kissed me for real. And I was like, 'uh-huh'. That was blow-up time."

Flair wants to main event Mania:

Charlotte has named the woman she wants to wrestle at Mania...

"Ronda Rousey. I hope that's the main event of WrestleMania. That's my dream. I hope we can make it happen. She really opened the doors for a lot of women. Having that opportunity would be huge. I don't know what her goals are, but it's just cool that she wants to be a part of our world."

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