Saturday, September 30, 2017


Alum remembers deceased celeb:

Torrie Wilson has credited Hugh Hefner, who died this week aged 91,  for her wrestling success...

"He definitely helped my popularity while I was with the WWE. Playboy was a huge opportunity for me and kind of brought me to the next level."

Ahmed reveals backstage fight with NOD colleague:

Ahmed Johnson has revealed he once got into a fight with The Rock because he cowered to racial insults from DX members HHH and HBK...

"What happened was, he was back in the locker room and I was already back there on the other side of the lockers, so, he couldn't see me. And he walked in there with Triple H and Shawn, and they were all talking and they were making black jokes, and they didn't know I was there. When Triple H said, 'Man, we were joking Rocky, we were joking,' and Rock said, 'That's okay, people look at me and think I'm black. I'm not black, man. My mom had an affair on my dad with a white man. That's my dad. The white guy is my dad.' He was serious as a heart attack. So I stepped from around the locker and said, 'What you just say?' He said, 'Aw, aw, nothing, man, you know just here bulls--tting,' and I said, 'Yeah, I heard you over there selling that bulls--t, man. What did you say about your dad? You mean to tell me this man bust his ass for us to be in this federation, and you're denying him?' Then he got cocky and said, 'Man, this ain't none of your business' Once he said that, we went for blows. After that, Ron Simmons and Papa Shango broke it up."

He then threatened WWE HOF'er Teddy Long...

"That b---h. First of all, I don't even know this punk motherf--ker. Ain't never met him once in my life. Never. Never ever been in the same room with this fool. And I'll tell you right now, straight up, if I ever see him cause he's got himself going around with churches and being a Christian, I swear to God if he ever comes to Houston, I'm giving you my word, I'm going to that church where it is he is, and I'm gonna go to him and I'm gonna slap him in the f--king face. And I mean that with all my heart. He's going to be more elderly when I get done with him."

And finished with condemnation for New Day's booking...

"Now come on, don't one of them got a doctorate degree or something? Come on, man. But Vince got you acting like a clown on a clown car. I think it is shucking and jiving for him. I just think that especially homeboy with that degree, they can find something better for him. He could be like a Clarence Mason, like a black wrestling Clarence Mason."

Fan incident:

A fan rushed the ring at an NXT live last night, and caught a kick to the face from Kyle O'Reilly for his trouble. He was then dragged away by security.

WWE test Angle:

Kurt Angle has revealed he is in the WWE drug testing programme, despite not being a wrestling talent.

Nattie at the plate:

Natalya threw the first pitch at a Boston baseball game last night.


Jinder Mahal met with Vladimir Kozlov in China last week, Kozlov was in China promoting his new movie, and went backstage at a live.

NBA star joins WWE charity:

Steph Curry has been supporting the Connor's Cure charity on social media.

Vince cast:

Bradley Cooper has been offered the role of Vince McMahon in the upcoming biopic of the WWE chairman. He has not confirmed he will take the part. Producers of the film want to get a big name on board as soon as possible, to speed up the process of getting the film made.

Titus legal fight:

Titus O'Neil is trying to get a million $ court case he faces for assaulting a cameraman during a WWE Network taping moved to either Florida (Where he lives) or Virginia (Where the alleged incident happened) rather than California. He is accused of kicking the former WWE cameraman after being pranked on 'Swerved' and the cameraman claims injuries he suffered have left him unable to work since.

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