Friday, September 8, 2017

Today's News

Del Rio ready to return:

Alberto Del Rio says he is talking to GFW about his comeback...

"I've been in touch with Global Force Wrestling, and we're working to bring back Alberto El Patronto the company. We're working to find something that will please the fans. At the end of the day, I work for the fans; they are the ones I work to please. I am going to put all my heart, all my passion into making this work. I am completely focused on where I want to take the company in November, and I promise to make the company great again, and Alberto is going to be on top again."

Sexy pleads innocence:

Sexy Star is still on a PR trip trying to save her reputation after the AAA incident...

"No, never. I've been in this sport for 11 years and I will be the first one to be against those type of things, so I never do that."

Sale off:

Kevin Sullivan says Anthem are not selling Impact, and are committed to the future of the promotion.


Samoa Joe is set to return at the end of October.

They all float down here:

Y2J has posted his excitement to see the remake of Stephen King's 'It' which hits cinemas today.

Good luck bettering Tim Curry's Pennywise... is all I have to say on that!

Storm affects WWE crew:

A group of WWE announcers had to drive 10 hours from Florida to Atlanta to make this weeks TV's. They could not get a flight due to evacuations from the state because of an impending storm, thousands are trying to get out of the path of the storm before it makes landfall this weekend, and right now there are more people to move, than planes to move them.

HHH talks World Of Sport:

"Did it change our timing a little bit because of when they positioned their show? Yeah, but we are talking by maybe months or something not speeding up the process in terms of getting it done. We've been working on this for a long time. Any other show aside, if they are successful I'm happy for them. And, at the end of the day, it all helps the industry so we just do what we do. And I think we do it better than anyone else on the planet."

Gentleman weds:

Jack Gallagher has married his indie star girlfriend.

Old boys wife on TV:

Eugene's wife, Stephanie, accompanied Dolph Ziggler to the ring on SD this week.


WWE have revealed the second set of WWE retro figures.

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