Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:

Charlotte has won a shot at Natalya's blue Women's gold for the next blue brand special. Uso's have invoked their rematch clause on New Day for the blue tag.

Rare appearance:

The Undertaker will appear at a fan convention in New York on December 8.

TV troubles:

Both Raw and SmackDown this week had poor attendances. Last night was much worse than Monday, entire sections of the arena were tarped off, and the fans that did attend were coralled in front of the hard camera positions, to make the visible seats look full.

Roman reaches out:

Roman Reigns embraced a fan after this weeks TV's and told him ''We are brothers now'' before giving him his gloves. The fan became emotional as Reigns was talking in his ear. They then both went backstage for an impromptu photo shoot.

Heat on Jinder:

Jinder Mahal has been told he went too far in his promo last night. He called Shinsuke Nakamura ''Mr. Miyagi.''  Which has caused some racial offense. The spot has been cut from replays of the show on the Network and social media.

Flair blames booze:

Ric Flair has vowed to never drink again, as he blames years of alcohol abuse for his recent health scare.

Hulk talks WWE firing him:

Hulk Hogan has recalled the night WWE fired him for his racism incident...

"When I heard this was going to happen, I called them on a Thursday or a Friday. As I hung up the phone that night, they fired me in the morning. It really caught me off guard, I didn't expect it because the WWE knows who I am. I'm not that person, that's not who I am and that's not what I do. It was tough, it hit me hard. When you look at a 40-year career, it's just gone."

He also revealed why they did it...

"I think they did what was best for business. They were worried about losing sponsors and network support."

Rey Mysterio:

Konnan says he is trying to repair the break down in talks between Impact / GFW and Rey Mysterio.

WWE buyout:

WWE are asking fans if they would like to see TNA  / Impact / GFW or ROH footage added to the Network. Possibly to gauge interest before making another offer for the promotion(s). They are also talking about scripted dramas, like GLOW, which has been huge for Netflix, and audio only programming.

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